Female!Frisk x Sans

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This was requested by @BernkastelSakamaki.

Yes, I know it's short, but I'm just really bad at writing Fluff.


Shaking his head, Papyrus could only watch in resentment as his brother and the hum- Frisk continued on shouting through the entire. Thankfully, this was not because they were fighting, at least according to what they said to him, but because they were playing a so called 'Video game ' . Of course, he had heard about those before, but they never seemed to be appeling, for they'd stop him from both cooking and training for the royal guard. But after Sans brought up that it was the anniversity of the monsters escaping from the Underground, he agreed on letting the two of them buy and play one of those weird things. Which was honestly the biggest and first mistake he ever made. It seemed as if the Great Papyrus wasn't always right after all.

However, the game itself looked rather interesting, and had obviously been inspired by the monsters. Many beings, some of them human, some of them not, were driving in colorful race cars. Apparently, it involved some sort of contests, too, since the human exclaimed that she won again every now and then.

Once again, the skeletal monster was ignoring every single traffic regulation, but they didn't apply to this game, anyways. The cause of this behaviour was a blue shell, fired by the only other player. It took him so long to finally fight his way to the front, but the game just seemed to hate him. He could already see the goal, it would only take a few more seconds to reach it, but no, that was the time he got hit. Another lost round and race.

" Pff, you're terrible at this, Sans ! I won again ! "

" I am not ! Bet you cheated again ! " , the skeleton pouted childishly, playfully hitting her with a pillow. Even if he really did know that she didn't, losing dozens of times made him a bit cranky, so he decided to get his revenge another way. Within a second, he pushed her down the couch, and started tickeling her. Nerves and skin must be great and all, but they made you incredible vulnerable to that on thing. " Admit it, you did ! "

Rolling around the floor in laughter, Frisk tries to speak, while also attempting to not choke on her own breath. " H-hey ! You'r-re just jelous ! "

" Nah, I know this definitely isn't your first time driving this exact race, you reseted, didn't you ? Can't live with being beaten by a bonehead ? "

" I didn't, and you know that. I'd never do that...Just like you, I keep my promises. " , she said, completely serious again. She'd never joke about that abbility, the one to trap her entire adopted family under the mountain again, with little to no memory of all the things she did.

"I know, I know, I was just joking. You wouldn't see the end of braking that promise, anyways. "

" What are you gonna do if I would ? Tickle me to death ? But don't worry, I won't. Never again."

" Heh, yeah sure kid. That's exactly what I'd do..."

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