Shattered Dreammare

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This is based on a roleplay between @Warriorcat- and me.

Nightmare brought the now corrupted Dream into his castle, showing him around.

" You should try to get comfortable with this place, since you're going to stay here. I'm going to show you your room now. " , Nightmare was, even if he wouldn't admit it, still really nervous about this new version of his brother. Dream could tell that by the evermoving tentacles of his brother, as he learned with himself, they did that when theyre owner was nervous about something. They continued to walk through the dark hallways in silence for a bit, until Dream broke the silence.

" What are we going to do now ? I don't want to get attacked by your gang as soon as I step in, you know ? " , Dream said.

" Don't worry, dear brother. I'll simply order them to treat you as a guest, and they won't be allowed to hurt you either. " , Nightmare reasured the guardian. " How do you feel ? Does it still hurt ? ", he asked, worrying since he remembered his own, very painfull, transformation.

" A little bit, but it's getting better. Are you really sure they're going to obey you ? They are a bunch of murderers after all. Also, where are we going ? " , Dream doubted.

" Don't worry, they'll obey for sure. But if you want to, we can change things around here. " , he reasured his brother once again.

" Define ' change '. Another question, do you have any spare clothes ? Goopy clothes are kinda weird, and I feel pretty uncomfortable..." , Dream complained.

" I meant the rules and the funiture, for example. We can change them, so you'll feel more welcome. Unless you don't want to stay, but go back to Blue and Ink instead...But don't worry, you'll get used to the goop. However, it simply seeps through any sort of clothing, so you'll have to wear goopy clothes all the time. But I do have spare clothes, they're in your chamber." , there was a hint of sadness in his voice and aura.

" Don't worry, I'll stay. They won't accept me back like this anyways... How do youthink the others will react ? " , the positive twin worried.

" They will most likely be suprised ans confused, maybe even shocked. " Nightmare answered, while waving Dream towards one of the chambers.

" More like...Do you think they'll try to kill me ? I know Blue won't, but Idon't know about Ink and all the others..." , Dream thought out loud, while following his brother.

" Most of them ? Probably yes. I'm not sure about Blue, though. But you'll be welcome in my castle either way, Dreamy. " , the guardian of negative emotions was giving him a smile. Not the normal crazy one, but a soft and frienly smile. Then he stopped infront of a room, opening it's door. " This will be your chamber. " , he explained.

" But they'll find out sooner or later. I would prefer it if I was the one to explain my choice... Do you think you can get Blue here ? I'm pretty sure Error has practice with kidnapping him... " , he said, while sitting down on his bed, motioning for Nightmare to sit beside him.

" If you want to, we can get either Blue or Dream later. " , he said while walking over and sitting beside his troubled brother.

" Oh God, not Ink. We have Error here, remember ? I don't think I can handle those two arguing right now. " "Sorry, sorry. Alright no Ink." , Nightmare responded. A suffocating silence filled the room for a few moments, but Nightmare didn't mind, it was relaxing to him." Night. " , Nightmare nodded in acknowledgment. "I'm afraid. Afraid that everyone will hate me now. " , Dream said, looking down in shame at his now goopy hands.

" Maybe some people, but not everyone. After all, me and my people are still here, remember ? " , Nightmare really hoped that he didn't have to kill all of Dreams previous friends.

" How should I tell !", he screamed in frustration." Negative emotions are stupid.. ",not knowing what to do, he wrapped his arms and newformed tentacles arond the other, giving him a stronger version of a hug in an attempt to deal with the constant flow of negative emotions.Nightmare frowns, he didn't like the negative emotions flowing off Dreams aura, almost missing the joyfull guardian. Nightmare hugs Dream, curling his tentacles around him as well.

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