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This is based on a Roleplay with @Mighty_Shadow

Killer was currently in the forest in front of the place he considered as home, holding a knife that was dropping with thick red blood. He gently blew some dust away, while it seemed as if he was waiting for something.Nightmare didn't know what to do. He loved Cross dearly, as much as a being made out of negative emotions could, but the monochromatic skeleton had betrayed him. With his brother of all people. The King of Nightmares was desperate, he had cried, even if he would never admit it. He couldn't be seen like this, or he would lose everything he had left, even if it was only his own authority. And as long as he was in the castle, it would be easy to spot him. So he decided to teleport to the forest surrounding his home, he had to take his mind off things. Some time passed, and Killer was to lazy to stand, so he hid his knife under his jacket, even if there was noone around, and went to the biggest tree around here, leaning against it. Out of boredom, he began to look if anything interesting would happen. Even if he shouldn't , Nightmare still liked to sleep in trees. Old habits never die. Maybe he was subconsciously missing his time as a guardian. However, there was a fairly big tree in the forest, he really liked it, nobody would disturb him if he slept there. In his rather dazed state, he didn't notice Killer on the other side of the tree, so he climbed up the tree without a second thought. He might not have a pillow, but he could always use his tentacles. The goop was all over him anyways, so it didn't really matter.The murderous skeleton noticed that and looked confused at the one over him in the tree. He quietly started to mumbel some words but ended up not having a logical sentence. Killer took a deep breath and sayed something understandable : "Boss, what are you doing in a tree? Are you trying to cut off some leafes or what? "Nightmare, who had already started falling asleep, jolted awake. He frantically looked around for the source of this sudden voice, but he relaxed as soon as spotted Killer." You nearly scared me out of my skin there. For a moment, I thought that you were Ink. I'm...uhh...looking for intruders or something, nothing out of the ordinary. But why are you here, if I may ask ? "Killer gave him a weird look because he didn't trust Nightmare's statement that easily. He thought for a short while, then responded : "It doesn't really look like you're doing that. I mean, why would you be on a tree? There are way better places here to do that. And I'm here because I wanted to kill some monsters. For what else should I be here? "" Actually, you have a perfect view from this tree. And I thought that you needed something. " , the negative twin attempted to hide his embarrassing reasons. And really, you could see a whole lot from the place he was sitting at, but since it was always night in his realm anyways, he liked to stargaze here. Now that his slumber had been disturbed, he didn't want to sleep anymore, so he jumped down with ease, showing that this wasn't the first time he did this."Er...OK. I'm going to believe you. And why would I need something? Maybe I made a promise and forgot about it... No, I don't think so. But what was your point up there? I know that you wanted to look for intruders but you'd need to stay a bit longer up there, don't ya?" The knife weilding one slightly tilted his head to the left side. He was trying to figure out why his boss was acting like that." Are you hiding something, but you don't want to tell it?"" Ye-I mean no, it's none of your business. And right now, you're the only intruder I can see. You're destroying my calm state of mind. And there aren't that many monsters here, which may or may not be my fault, so I was confused about your words. " , he tried to keep his voice emotionless, but if you payed close attention, there was a hint of sadness in it. He was towering over his smaller teammate now, but it wasn't a threatening gesture, he was simply taller than the other.Killer didn't really change his position or became frightened as he saw that Nightmare was slightly taller then him."Only a few monsters are here... I told you that I was killing here today, right? And I can feel that you're lying. Your voice just sounds like that, and you just cutted your 'yes' off" " I said that it's none of your business ! So what if I am hurt for once ?! What if I have a problem for once ?! Am I not allowed to show any weaknesses ?! No matter how loud I call for help, no one will come. So it would be better if you leave me alone, so you won't end up sad, too. " , he hadn't meant to say all that, but once he started, he had to go through with it, so Killer won't think he was trying to hurt him.Killer didn't know what to say at first, then spoke up with a voice you wouldn't hear at first :"Of course you can show weaknesses. But I'm not going to leave you alone here. If you have problem, then it does affect everyone in your gang. So you should tell it to someone. It isn't good if you let the problem consume you. Even if you're exactly the one who absorbs them"" I-I can't... During my childhood I learned that you can't trust anyone. And those were a few hundreds years, you can't forget something like that so easily. I want to trust you, I really do, but I just can't...Especially not with the recent events. Just please...give me some time. " , he stuttered a lot more than normal, finally letting some of his suppressed emotions free.Killer went silent, starring at the taller one for about 2 minutes. He mumbled something and took a few small steps back. "Fine, I'm letting you alone because you want it so much. But let me say one thing : At some point in your life should you start to trust someone" Killer teleported himself away but not to far so he could still watch Nightmare.The dark King sighed, but it wasn't in relief. He really wanted to trust people again, he was so close. But after the thing with Cross ? He didn't have enough courage to try again. He even considered asking Dream for help, but now his brother was with the person he loved dearly, and even if it wasn't his brothers fault, he couldn't just go there, not with Cross around. There were times like this, when he wished that he would've died the day he took the apples. A single tear managed to slip from his single eye once again, but this time, it carried a tiny bit of the corruption with it. Nightmare hadn't noticed, but there was a hint of white bones shining through the goop that protected him for so long.The killer stood there, watching what was happening.He noticed, after looking closely, that there was a tear wich was kind of melting the corruption away. But he didn't manage to speak to him, that ended up in him staying longer in his stash between the wood.His waiting time was now over 14 minutes long and he began to get bored, so he stood up, teleporting back to Nightmare."Hey...Is everything alright?"By now, Nightmare had stopped to try and suppress the tears, he wanted to be allowed to cry for once, too. He still hadn't noticed his now snow white checks, which were covered in purple tear streaks. When he noticed Killer, he simply gave up. His body felt limb as all of the well hidden hidden emotions finally broke free, surfacing and reminding him of how weak he really was. With that one emotion, defeat, the others started to come back to him as well. The cruel feeling of eternal guilt and pain overtook him, and he simply gave in, fainting right on the spot. As his conciousness faded, he found himself in a bright cube, and he could only watch as past memories flew by. He had caused so much pain, so much desperation, yet he enjoyed it. There was no way denying it, he really was a true demon after all.Killer stood there, watching how his boss laid there without moving. Killer didn't know what to do at first, but of course he wouldn't just kill him in this moment, although this would have been what others might think he would do. He knelt down to him and held him in his arms, starting to panic a bit. "Nightmare? Can you hear me? Hey, answer me!"Nightmare was trembeling by now, his memories had reached the most fatefull day in his life. He could see all of it, feel all of it, the pain he was causing in everyone. Dreams scared face, the flash of betrayel as he was turned into stone by a grinning Nightmare. He could feel the lonelyness Dream had felt all this years, the pain each time he hitted his twin. The guilt the darker twin felt was unberable, it started to tear his soul apart. The embodyment of darkness would die because of the weight of his sins, and he knew it.In reality, he had reverted to his original form, but his body already started dusting as his soul broke further and further. Nightmare oppened his long forgotten purple eyes one last time, smiling gently at Killer, before closing them one last time. His soul shattered with a sickening sound, only leaving behind a single apple core.There was nothing but darkness around the lost soul. In a way, it was comforting, but his troubled mind didn't want to relax. It was as if he was forgetting something important, as if he was loosing himself to the calming darkness. He had the urge to move, maybe even brake free from this dark prison, but his bones wouldn't move, no matter how hard he tried. Though, that didn't stop him. Using his almost forgotten magic to fight the tearing void, he fought determined. Soon, he managed to move his fingers, than his hand, and finally, his whole body. Who was he ? Everything was a blur. Past and future, imagination and memories had mixed, and left the small guardian without a clue. Suddenly, a face showed up within his damaged mind. It belonged to a skeleton, but he had no eyelights and black streaks going down his face. The broken one knew he had to find that unknown figure, it was important to him in some way. But how ? He was trapped here, right ?" Hello ? " , a dark voice ringed through the void, but even if it didn't belong to the purple skeleton, it sounded so scared, terrified even. As if it was made of guilt. The little guardian wanted to help the owner of this strange voice, so he walked towards its source. There stood a person, covered in what looked like black tar. They looked lost, as if they were trapped here, just like him. But since he hadn't been noticed yet, the little one tapped the shoulder of the strangely familiar being, startling it.At the same time, both of them asked : " Who are you ? " Suprised, the purple skeleton smiled at their shared thought. He didn't know why, but something about the stranger seemed familiar, as if he was looking straight into a mirror. But they looked completely different, right ? So why was he feeling like that ?Nightmare had woken up in a black room that appeared to be a prison of some sort, and he couldn't help but feel as if he deserved it. Strangely enough, there was another presence inside of this void. So he called out, trying to find the other person. He was about to give up, when suddenly, something - or rather, somebody, touched his shoulder. After he faced his encounter, he couldn't help but stare. It was him, but it wasn't at the same time. But there was no doubting it, this skeleton was him before the corruption. Their shared question, confused them, it was almost as if there was only one person who had talked. He didn't want to seem rude, so he took the hand of his counterpart, attempting to shake it.But as soon as they touched, a bright light started glowing, and the darkness around them faded. There was a horrifying sound of shattering glass, as Nightmare stood in a grey room, surrounded by dust and splittered glass. But even though the room was empty, he didn't feel alone. He was about to question his sanity, when a soft voice spoke up : " Where are we ? "

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