Nightmare x Passive (1)

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This got requested by @jesus_fox , and will have multiple parts.

Small drops of sweat ran down Sci's heated skull as he observed the container in front of him closer. There were heavy, iron, chains around it, which met at one point, forming a giantic lock. The magic-blockers attached to it would hopefully stop the being inside from atempting anything, even though nobody was sure wheter it'd actually help or not. Of course, this was quiet risky and almost irresponsible, but the chance of actually suceeding was just so tempting. They could finally live in peace again, without the constant fear of being attacked...And it wasn't as if there were absolutly no safety messures, they were just customized. Special problems required odd solutions, so there were syrings filled with a golden liquid everywhere. They'd form their little personal assasin into a perfectly obeydent solider with those....

For many years now, the heros struggeld with defeating the villains, and their patience grew thin. None of the many destructive and morbid actions could be explained by using common sense, which lead even Dream, the most hopefull out of all of them, to believe that his brother was completely insane.

Finally, they found a way to get an adventage. It took months of hard work, and the bestest scientist, but at last they managed. The empty, motionless, skeletal shell within the glassy container proved this, along with the pulsing heart in the box Sci was holding. An artifical monster soul, but it was not an ordinary one. This culmination of life consisted of liquid hatred, and would therefore be immune to all of Nightmare's attacks. Though, the whole creating prozess of the actual body was rather easy after the God of Creation aggreed to help, since he chose a design he was fairly familiar with, the general form of an Underswap!Sans, together with the description of Dream's brother before the 'Apple Incident'.

While this would be a huge advantage, there was also a downside, it'd be difficult to force this expiriment, called 'Passive', to obbey them. But Ink was positive that he'd be capable of that, so the Creator ordered them to finish today. His hand shook slightly as he took the last steps, now standing right next to the transparent tube. " O-okay Passive, p-please don't kill me, alright ?" , and with those words, he opened the lock with a bit of his magic, pushing the soul in as he closed his eyes.

A high pitched scream rang through the thick air, startling Sci greatly, and causing him to fall down to the ground. A dark shadow loomed over his fragil body, slowly extending his abnormaly long fingers, reaching for him, ready to claw at his weak soul. Franatically, he scrambeld around, trying to find the emergency syringe he was supposed to cary, but it rolled away.

"...Do you need help ? "

" W-what ?"

"I asked you if you'd like me to help you. You seem scared, did I cause that ? If that's the case, I'm very sorry..."

Shocked, the scientist took in the features of the newly created lifeform. Soon he noticed that the geasture that terrified him to no end earlier was just a regular outstretched hand, seemingly ready to help him up. Baffeld, he took it, suprised by the polite gesture and the gentle grip. This was not what he expected anyone with even a hint of Nightmare's personality to act like, but it was probably better that way. "Thank you, Passive. My name is Sans, but it's better if you call me Sci. I created you, along with multiple other helping hands, of course. Can you understand me ?"

A small and comforting smile appeared on his face as he helped his creator up. It was...nice to be alive. But, if he was just a mere expiriment, what was his purpose ? And where did the basic knowledge about speaking and reading he had come from ? Though, he couldn't complain about his name, even if something told him that it sounded a bit odd, it could've been far worse. "Yes, and you're welcome. But, if I may ask a question, which reason did you create me for ? Which honorfull task requires giving a mere expiriment so many abbilities, including the ability to choose and consciousness ?"

Unintentionally, he started to smile back, happy that everything worked out so well, even if his level of intelligence was slightly higher than expected. However, phrasing the answer right would be rather difficult. " You are...what I'd call a supporter, brought to life in order to fulfill taks we can't. N-not like cleaning or anything, w-we won' make you a slave, assasin, I guess...W-would that be a-alright ? " , what was he thinking, asking an almost empty vessel about his opinion ? Passive didn't have a choice in that regard, no matter how much some part of Sci wanted to give him one. The way he managed to be smart and polite at the same, despite his soul being nothing but concentrated negativity, together with his soul-warming, kind, smile was astonishing, almost cute.

" As in, you want me to murder people ? That's fine, as long as they have a reason to die, I'll listen to every single of your orders. Wheter they involve killing or housework, as long as it is for you, I'd be glad to help. I'm so gratefull to have such a nice and mercifull creator, and I'll happily become whatever you want me to be, even a friend. With you creating my soul, the culmanition of my being, we'd surely get along great ! " , relief flared all around him, even if only few registered it. His aura was strong, stronger than most others, but it didn't reach the strength of the Dreamtale siblings, or at least not their current one. Neverless, it would easily stand out to those who could sense it, but thankfully, there weren't that many monsters who were capable of that.

Though, one of them did notice the striking positivity, which seemed to carry a hint of negativity within. Immidiatly, they rushed to its source, knowing the position all to well, since they already visited the lab hundreds of times. Oh, how long they waited for this moment to arise...The door of his destination was locked in order to ensure the safety of every other inhabitant of this world, but that wouldn't be a problem. Gathering the positivity that made up his soul, he let himself fall back into the rip between dimensions, often called a portal. Golden swirls of colour danced all around him, clouding his sight as he travelled through the timeless realm by imagining the place he wanted to go to.

The familiar sound, one that sounded similiar to the whiring of an  engine, mechanical but with a slight echoing effect, snapped both of them out of their daze.

" Dream ? Why are you-Oh, right. Well, here he is, and everything worked out just fine. "

" I asume that 'Dream' is your name ? It's a pleasure to meet you, I am adressed to as Passive, and he is Sci, my Creator. "

A happy cry escaped the immortal being as he lunged forward, extending his arms to a hug. However, the gesture reminded Passive of an attack, so he tensed up, and moved out of the way, dodging the guardian, who tripped and fell down instead. Thankfully, the God of Positivity didn't hurt himself, at least not physically.

What did he do wrong this time ? No matter how much he tried, nothing would go his way, did his brother really hate him enough to do this to him ? He just wanted a single hug...

Golden tears stained the ground as he erected slowly, while his face carried a numb and emotionless expression. Without a second thought, he headed for the door, completely ignoring the baffled Sans of this timeline. If not even the tiniest part of Nightmare cared about him, who would ? There was no use in surviving when the hope that caused him to fight was nothing but an illusion.

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