What if...?

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What if instead of Error, Nightmare became the God of Destruction ? What would have happened to the Multiverse instead ?

Healing what has been broken belongs to harrish6

We are a family belongs to Sarah_Sans_Sister

I don't really know who Nightblue belongs to, but he doesn't belong to me.

The pictures aren't mine, they're just mixed together.


'Is there anything left ? Anything but pain ?' , I thought after destroying another universe. Can anyone hear me screaming, calling out for help ?Nobody can. Nobody hears me. No matter how loud I scream. I'm nothing but a burden to them, yet I can't seem to disapear. They want me gone, even my own brother, but I can't die. Trust me, I've tried. Over and over again, countless times. Drowning,starving, jupmping...I tried everything, but the balance just won't let me die. Yet they keep on believing I'm nothing but a cruel murderer. One day, I was really exhausted and not in my right mind, I kidnapped a Sans. He came from Underswap and was therefor adressed as Swap, but I chose to call him Blue, since Swap didn't say anything about him, while it was obvious that he liked the colour blue. Suprisingly, he wasn't scared of me, even after I explained him what I am. The king of Nightmares, yet also the forced God of Destruction. I told him that I couldn't be saved, that my sanity was long gone, but he kept believing that there was good in me either way.

But good things never last...

Blue started to get corrupted, my negative aura altering his soul greatly. I eventually had to let him go, or rather : Shove him through a portal, since he wanted to stay with me for some unexplainable reason.

Many years had passed since then, Blue somehow managed to join the 'Star Sanses' , a group my brother founded, we were still friends though

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Many years had passed since then, Blue somehow managed to join the 'Star Sanses' , a group my brother founded, we were still friends though. I have no idea how he manages to trick everyone, even Dream. When I first took him, I must have done it because of his weird aura. It didn't match his happy and childish behaviour at all, for it was one of sadness and desperation. He's one of the best actors I've ever seen, even if he denies it all the time.

And here I am now, standing inside this empty black abyss I call home. I just want to sit down and relax, but I can't let the Multiverse die from overcrowding. Isn't it obvious that the Multiverse can't be an endless space ? Apparently not. Would they ever realise who was really killing them, even if they did it unintentonally ? In the first few centauries, I hoped for them to find out, but that hope faded into nothing one day.


I decided that today was the day, I would finally tell them the truth about the balance. Now I wasn't stupid, so I wouldn't just suddenly walk into their base. I practised to form a perfect disguise, something between my passive and my agressive form. Obviously, I couldn't walk in while Dream was there, since he would recognise me either way. So I  waited for the perfect moment, when noone but Ink was at their base. Honestly, their security needs serious improvement, eveerybody could just walk in without a problem. There he is. The creator who'll most likely be the death of the Multiverse, atleast if he keeps creating way to many worlds. Which he wouldn't, since the balance would be revealed to him this day. The artist was currently sitting on a chair,  obviously painting. Curious, I decided to take a glance at the picture.

That wasn't creepy at all, why wouldn't he know how I looked before ? Maybe Dream told him

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That wasn't creepy at all, why wouldn't he know how I looked before ? Maybe Dream told him. Still a little bit confused, I tapped onto Inks shoulder.

" Oh ! I didn't notice you there, sorry. What can I do for you ? " , sadly, I couldn't tell what he was feeling, since his emotions weren't ' real '. Maybe I could have seen Inks next action coming otherwise. He stood up, lifting a hand to greet me, or so I thought. The next moment, I was being thrown into a wall. I stared at him in disbelief, noticing the red target signs in his eyes.

" What was that for ?! " , I tried not to shift back, since that would obviously blow my cover.

" Get out, Nightmare. I don't care what you think about the rulesof the Multiverse. Since I'm the creator, I make the rules. And you won't end my fun so soon.So if you don't want anything to happen to your beloved brother, you should keep your mouth closed. Even about this conversation. Don't you get it ? Nobody will believe you. They all think of  you as a filthy liar. "

Undertale AU OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now