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#Undercover 10

“What’s wrong with you? You look like you’ve seen a ghost” Kehlani jokes. “About that….” I begin to say as I glance up at Kehlani. Something’s wrong. Something’s not right. “Kehlani” I say calmly but she doesn’t move. “Ms. Bowman!!!!!” I scream out. She rushes in and yells to Nelle and I what medicine to grab from Kehlani’s bedroom. We bring back exactly what she’s asking for. She administers Kehlani some meds. “Kehlani, honey, it’s fine. It’s all going to be fine. Just hold on. Momma’s got you, baby” Ms. Bowman says. I instantly begin to tear up because I didn’t realize that things had gotten this bad. She was sitting here normal as ever and the next second she’s seizing up. After taking a few minutes to calm Kehlani, Ms. Bowman calls Nelle and I into the kitchen. “She won’t remember any of this. When she seizes, she suffers temporary memory loss. We’re just taking things one day at a time. I’m so glad you came by to see her. I haven’t seen a sparkle in her eye since you ladies went off to college. You should come as often as you can. IN the meantime, we’ll be here getting Kehlani the therapy that she needs” Ms. Bowman says putting on a brave face.
“Ms. Bowman, I need to get something off my chest. I was about to tell Kehlani and then she had her seizure. You know that we obtained fake IDs to get into that club. Well the first night we went was the only night that I went along with Nelle and Kehlani. Anyhow, just as we got into the car I remember that I left something behind. On my way out, a man jacked me up against the side of the building where it was dark and tried to rape me. Fortunately, a guy, who is now my boyfriend, fought the man off of me. Earlier I asked Kehlani if she remember anything about the guy that harmed her, she said she remembered him wearing a Hawaiian top. That’s exactly what the guy was wearing that attached me” I say as I begin to cry. “You were attacked, too, Monica? Oh, honey. I’m so sorry! I don’t know why you girls felt the need to try and survive on your own. I’m here for the three of you. I love you. You are all mine. You should never feel alone. We need to get you to the police station so that you can ID this man. He deserves to be put UNDER the jail for what he’s done to you, Kehlani, and probably countless other young ladies who fell prey to this stripping game like y’all did. Why didn’t you say anything? Why have you held this information in all these weeks?” she asks, wiping my tears away. “Scared, I guess. I’ve been trying to put it out of my mind. I have dreams about it. I panicked” I say crying and talking all at once. I’ll call Kehlani’s father to come over and watch her. I’m willing to go to the station with you if that’s what you’d like to do. You tell me what works for you” Ms. Bowman says taking my hands in hers. I agree to go to the station.
We arrive and wait in the lobby to be called back to ID the guy who tried to rape me. Eight men are walked into a room. A voice over the intercom says “Face front.” The all face front and I instantly start to have a panic attack. I’m literally gasping for air but I just can’t seem to catch my breath. An officer runs to get me an oxygen mask and places it over my nose. I finally calm myself. As politely as he can, Office Bridgeway says “Monica, can you tell me who tried to rape you at the club that night?” Holding the mask to my face, I look up once again. My heart is pounding hard but I raise my hand and point to the guy. He’s the third from the left hand side. He’s short, fat, brown-haired, and so pale that it looks like he hasn’t had contact with sun in years. Let me not forget to mention his raggedy ass mustache. Ugh! I just want to kill him. For myself, Kehlani, and every other girl he’s tried or might have to harm. “Are you sure that’s him, Monica” Officer Bridgeway asks. “I’m positive” I say confidently. As Nelle and I wait, we overhear Officer Bridgeway tell Ms. Bowman “The gentleman that Monica identified is the same guy that your daughter identified. We obtained security footage from the club. He’s made several attempts on other girls. For some reason, no one stepped forward until earlier this year….then Kehlani and Monica. Thanks goodness they did. There’s no telling how many girls we’ve have saved from the same fate. Here’s my card if you have any questions. Don’t hesitate to call.”

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