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#Undercover 34

10 Years Later

“I’m so glad you called me. I needed every bit of this” I tell Kehlani as we get pampered at a local day spa. “I know right! I don’t even have kids and I’m always worn out. You have three! I don’t know how you do it. I commend you!” Kehlani says to me. “It takes a lot of patience. Having three kids is not easy at all. Malaki’s in high school, Jr. is in middle school and my sweet Samuel is right behind them. I mean, can you believe he’s already 8?! I don’t have any babies anymore. Time is definitely moving but the struggle is real. So, how are things going? How’s life at the firm?” I ask trying not to think about my crazy home life for a while. “Oh, it’s going great! I’m hoping that in the next two years I’ll come up for senior partner. I’m working my ass off to get there. Hopefully they see the dedication. You? When’s your next speaking engagement? Tomorrow, right?” she says as her voice cracks from the amazing massage she’s getting. “Yes, tomorrow. I have an early flight out. I don’t know why but I always get super nervous beforehand but once I start to talk all the nervousness just fades away” I explain. “Good. I’m so proud of you. You know, for a while I didn’t think that I would be able to accomplish my dreams after that night in college. For so long, my seizures affected me heavily but after finding a new doctor I haven’t had one in I don’t know how long. One of the best things that came from that was getting Max. He’s the best dog I could have asked for. He’s like a big ol kid” Kehalni replies smiling at me. “You know I’m not much of a dog person but I’ve grown fond of Max over the years. I love you, Kehlani” I tell her. “Aww. I love you too hun. Everything ok?” Kehlani asks. “That’s just it. Everything is great and one of my favorite people isn’t here to share this bliss with me. I miss Nelle so much. I rarely hear from her. Taryn calls me all the time though. Things just haven’t been the same since college, you know” I explain to Kehlani. She nods her head in agreement.

“I would take you up on your offer for lunch but I really need to get home and start packing. Each time that I have to travel, the kids make it hard for me to pack. I know they don’t want me to go. Hell, sometimes I don’t want to go either but I love what I do. I guess it’s all about creating that balance. Anyhow, let me go. I’ll get with you once I’m back” I say hugging Kehalni. “Hold on now! Isn’t tomorrow your wedding anniversary, missy?” Kehlani says to me. “Girl, yes! 10 years! It flew by so quick. I can’t wait to see what Saddiq has planned this year. He always goes out of his way to spoil me. I love it” I respond. “Well here’s a gift from me to you. Don’t open it until tomorrow, ok? And I know I didn’t address it earlier but I miss Nelle too but she has to put in some effort on her end too. She’ll come around in due time. Until then, we’ll accept the phone calls and video messages that we get from her. Go enjoy your anniversary and have a safe trip. I love you.” We part ways.

From: Saddiq
“Hey babe. Just checking to see about what time you’ll be home. I’ve got something special planned for you tonight.”

To: Saddiq
“I’m almost done wrapping up here at the office. I should be there within the hour.”

“You’re still here?” I hear someone say. I look up and it’s Paul. “Yeah, still here. Pulling together some last minute things for my speech tomorrow. I don’t know why but I always second guess myself and my speeches right before I give a presentation to a large group. I’ve really got to stop doing that” I say looking back at my computer. “Anything you need help with?” Paul asks sitting in a chair that faces the front of my desk. “No, I think I’m all good. Thanks though” I say giving him a quick smile and directing my attention to the computer again. I get this weird feeling so I look up. “Why are you staring at me?” I ask, now weirded out. “I’m sorry. You’re just gorgeous. Time is on your side” Paul says in a low voice. “Paul, I appreciate the comment but I don’t think that this is appropriate. We haven’t had this problem since I got married 10 years ago. I really don’t want to go through this again. We’ve been able to co-exist in the office without any issues for this long…let’s not start anything now” I say giving him a firm, steady look to let him know that I’m serious.

“Look, I know you’re married and I’m not here to try and come between that. All these years I’ve spent so much time thinking about what could have been. Because of that, I’ve decided to move around. I found a job in Seattle. I start next week. I just wanted to drop in and say goodbye” Paul explains. “That’s great” I say standing to walk around to him. He smiles and says “Thank you.” All of a sudden, he pulls me in and kisses me. “What the hell!!” I holler shoving him away from me. “I just had to. I’ve been in love with you all of these years, Monica. I know I messed up back in college but you literally pinned me to a cross for what I did. I apologized over and over but you ignored me! I just wanted a chance to show you that I was the man for you. Quite frankly, I still believe that I am. I could have loved you right….better than any other ever could. It could have been us with the happily ever after” he says to me. “That’s just it, Paul. I never loved you. I’ve been in love with my husband since the day I met him. I wouldn’t date change any decision that I’ve made leading up to where my life has lead me today. I wish you all the best in your endeavors in Seattle but if you ever lay your hand on me again my husband won’t need to defend me. I will handle you myself” I say pulling my taser out of my purse.

He backs away slowly and leaves.

I quickly pack my shit and head home to my husband. Not seeing Paul again wouldn’t hurt me one bit.

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