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#Undercover 28

“Girl! You got me good today! I never would have guessed you were pregnant! I’m so happy for you…both of you. I know Saddiq has been wanting another child for quite some time now. Now I’ll have another baby to spoil” Kehlani says as we clean up after the party. “Soooo, Kehlani and I know what you two do when you have “date night…little freaks” Nelle teases as she joins in on the cleaning. I can’t do anything but laugh.
“Malaki, come on sweetie. It’s time to go home” I yell out. Since he and the other kids had cake and ice cream, the playground has been their focus. “Didn’t you tell Malaki to bring his tail?” Saddiq asks out of breath from packing all of Malaki’s presents away. I shake my head yes. He goes to holler Malaki’s name out but I stop him and volunteer to go over and get Malaki myself. As I walk toward Malaki, there’s a lady tying his shoes. “Everything ok?” I ask as I approach them. The lady stands and looks at me saying “Yes, everything is fine. I just noticed his shoe was untied. Just trying to help out. Didn’t mean to bother or scare you. I’m so sorry” she says. “It’s totally fine. Thanks for doing that” I say as I reach for Malaki’s hand.

“Malaki, let’s get you out of this tub. You’re getting all wrinkled” I say holding a towel to wrap him in as he steps out of the tub. “Mommy, is there a baby in your tummy? He asks as I put his pj’s on. “Yes, there is. That means you’re going to be a big brother in a few months” I say helping him into his bed. “I’ll be a good big brother. I promise. I hope it’s a girl. Mommy, how did you and daddy put the baby in there?” Malaki asks. “Whoa big fella. You sure are asking some serious questions tonight. It’s about time for bed, son” Saddiq says coming in for the save. We tuck Malaki in and turn on his night light. He’s out before we can leave the room.

“I’m so glad you came in, baby. I had no idea how I was going to explain to a five year the workings of a woman getting pregnant! Good Lord! Being a parent brings the greatest challenge” I say as we pull the comforter back on our bed. We snuggle up to one another as we get into bed and Saddiq says “You have made me the happiest man on earth today. Not only did you agree to marry me, you’re having my child, Monica! Damn, girl! You’re going to make one fine ass pregnant woman. I can see it now.” He pulls my shirt up and places his ear against my stomach. Then he says “Are you daddy’s little princess or prince?” Just as he is happy, so am I. I’m so happy to be welcoming another child into our lives.
“Oh, you thought you were just going to lay here and go to sleep? No ma’am. I’ve got plans for you” Saddiq says gripping the inner part of my thigh. He startles me because I’m nearly sleep. “Saddiq….” I say but he places his index finger over my lips to shush me. “Just lay here and let daddy do the hard part” he says pressing my knees into my chest. My pressing my legs back so far that the tip of my toes are literally touching the headboard. He comes up and plants a few kisses on my stomach and goes in for the kill. He runs the tip of his tongue over my lips and then goes deeper, rolling his tongue over my clit. He makes quick but subtle flicking motions over my clit until I start reacting to each lick. “If you can’t be still, I’m going to tie you up. You wanna be tied up?” he asks. I look down between my legs and shake my head no. “I didn’t think so” he says coming up from between my legs. He hovers over me in the pushup position and easily works his way inside me. As he sinks deeper, I get so wet to the point that he is surfboarding in the pussy. Still in the pushup position, he begins to slowly but abruptly force his way into me, causing a popping sound each time he does. “Saddiq” I cry out but he says “No, you take it like a big girl.” I place my right hand over my mouth as he continues to pound away at my insides. He rolls me over onto my side and gets behind me as if we’re cuddling. You slowly strokes me counterclockwise while sucking on my neck. As he speeds up, he grabs ahold of my breasts because they’re bouncing all of the place. He lifts my left leg in the air and reaches down and briskly rubs his finger over my clitoris. “Saddiq” I cry out again. “Yeah, baby?” he moans into my ear. “I’m gonna cum, baby” I moan back. He pulls out of me and rolls my over on my stomach. He puts me in the doggy position and lies down on his back and works his way under me. “Sit on my face” he says. I lower my pussy to his face and he gobbles away like he’s have Thanksgiving Dinner. Before I know it, my body starts to shake and shudder and I release. When I say he wasn’t playing about sitting on his face, he wasn’t playing. He slurps every last bit of cum from my body. He pulls himself from underneath me and mounts me from behind. After three solid strokes, “Oooooo shaaattt!” he says releasing inside me.

“I’ll start us a bath, you mind getting water?” Saddiq asks. I nod yes and head out of the bedroom to the kitchen. I grab two bottles of water and a pack of gummy bears. They’re really Malaki’s but after all the food I have to share on a daily basis, I deserve this. As I come back up the hallway heading toward the bedroom, I hear a voice. Damn, Malaki is probably woke. I thought the birthday party would have worn him out. When I left him, his bedroom door was cracked so I push it back. Only the night light is giving off light so I make my way across the room to turn on his lamp. I turn and look at his bed and he is not in it. I look over in the right corner and the lady from the park is holding Malaki in her arms in his rocking chair. He’s still asleep.

“What the fuck are you doing in my house?” I ask in a low voice, careful not to wake Malaki. She doesn’t say a word, she only smiles. “Answer me or you will pay” I say threatening her. “Oh, don’t get your panties all in a wad. You can’t do too much. You don’t want to risk losing your unborn child, do you? She says sarcastically. “What kind of creepy shit are you trying to pull here? Is it money you want? Just tell me. I will give you what you want so that you can leave” I say hoping she’ll hand me my baby boy and leave peacefully. “Oh, the doctor was right. This surgery has done wonders. What’s the matter? You don’t remember me, Monica?” she says laughing lightly.
I gasp! “Stephanie?!”

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