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Pt. 17

Leaning in, Saddiq whispers to me “Why aren’t you talking? Please say something. I’m going crazy over here.” “Saddiq, something wrong honey? This should be one of the greatest days of your life but you don’t look so happy” his mother asks. “Ok. So, I need to tell you guys something. Please don’t be mad at me for this, ok? The girl from the graduation, Stephanie. We dated when I first started here. A few months back we had a thing one night and now she shows up pregnant. I swear I haven’t seen her since that night. Then I see her tonight….she’s expecting a kid. I don’t know….it might be mine…it might not. I just need to be on the up-and-up with everyone at this table….especially you, Monica” he says turning his attention to me. “Saddiq!! You know better! Your father and I raised you better than this!” his mother says as nicely as she can. “Ma, I don’t mean any harm but I just need to talk to Monica right now. Monica, baby, please….please….I swear I didn’t know. I’m so sorry” he says to me. I can just feel everyone at the dinner table staring at me. I don’t know what to say. “Saddiq, not now. Let’s just finish dinner” I say politely.

“It is very nice to have met you, Monica. You seem like a very sweet young lady. I may very well be overstepping my boundary right now. If I am you just say that word and I’ll stop. I want to say, Saddiq has never cut me short when talking. Gerald and I raised him well and he’s never talked back…not to our faces anyway. I get the feeling that he cares for you a great deal. You’re young, beautiful, smart….and from what you’ve told my Gerald and I tonight, you have a bright future ahead of you. Don’t feel compelled to say with my son because you have feelings for him. This child this Stephanie girl is carrying may very well be his. Just know, if you choose to move forward with Saddiq and this child is his, you’re choosing to accept this child and its mother too. Choose wisely, Monica” Ms. Yvonne says hugging me tightly.

We stand and wait as his parents drive away. As soon as they do, I turn around and stomp off. “Monica…Monica!!!” Saddiq yells. “Piss off, Saddiq! I need some space. Let me have it, ok!” I say loudly, not looking back. Suddenly I hear police sirens close in. The police pull up to the curb, damn near running me over. I stop dead in my tracks and turn to see what they’re doing.

“Down on the ground….on the ground dammit!” an officer yells. “Nooooooo!” I yell out. Saddiq is face down on the ground with an officer’s knee in his back. “Mo, don’t come any closer!” he cries out. “Shut your ass up, boy!” the officer yells out hitting Saddiq with his stick upside the head.

Saddiq’s out cold.

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