16. Recovering

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Some days are painful. Emotionally, physically, spiritually, mentally and even financially.

But that doesn't mean you should give up.
Don't ever give up. Fight. Fight for yourself.

I understand some days are going to be hard, but you will pull through them. You have to.

It will take time. Bruises heal, even mental ones. You are strong.

Life likes to throw curve balls every now and then, you need to hit them, show the world that you won't be beaten and you can take it.

I know you can. You are my flesh and blood.

Never let anyone beat you. Because you were put on this Earth to do amazing things. The places you will go, I can not wait...

October 2018
I didn't speak much after that incident with Peter.

Max had found me, to my relief. I later found out that Madame Eleanor was looking for me and Max offered to find me.

He had ripped Peter off me. He had rescued me, taking me away, wrapped in a blanket he had found.

He told Madame Eleanor, privately, what he had witnessed and she had came, angry that something like that had happened under her very nose.

Max took me home and I went to bed as soon as I could. I don't remember having any conversation with him.

But I stayed in bed for the week. Giselle tried talking to me. And Dante. Sarah came but I didn't want to talk.

I was so close to being raped. So close. Peter had ruined the costume I was in, ripping them completely.

Giselle tried to get me to talk, but I stayed in bed, laying down and staring at the wall.

After a couple days, I noticed Max was gone. I wanted to know where he went but my mouth wouldn't cooperate.

Everytime I closed my eyes, I could see Peter, on top of me. The sound of my clothes ripping, his breathe on me. His weight.

It made me sick.

But as the days passed by, I started to think of other things, from a different perspective.

I wasn't a virgin anymore. I forfeited that up months ago to Max and to this day, I don't regret that.

That was something I gave away willingly and thankfully I didn't have it anymore for Peter to steal.

Then I thought of Max. Everything both he and I did have led us to this exact point. If I had told him I was a ballerina, he wouldn't have been at the performance. He wouldn't have been able to offer me a position. He wouldn't have been there that night to get Peter off.

If I had known his exact job, the outcome would be the same as Max knowing what I did.

I had to thank him. I have to. Without him I .... shuddered. I didn't want to think of the outcome.

So after a week in bed, I got up and took my phone. It had been quiet, and I pulled on a brave face when I spoke to uncle Seth and Aunty Seline, but that was the only contact I kept in that week.

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