38. The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

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Always try your hardest, no matter what it is.
I did and it led me to many things, my favourite is you. I've accepted my fate,my destiny, my future and I'm okay with it, knowing what I've done.

Your willpower will take you many places and I'm excited at all the possibilities there is for you.

It doesn't matter if you don't have a career. It doesn't matter if you don't settle down. The only thing that matters is you and your happiness.

Be good. Be kind. Be honest and be humble. More doors are opened for you than you even know.

The only thing I truly regret in my life is not following up on my mysterious illness. If I did, things may have been different.

Remember, I'm with you. Through the good, the bad and the ugly. I'll be your shoulder when you need to cry. I'll be there holding you when you are sad and I will be there for you through your happiest moments in life.

Please remember, life doesn't go to plan and this was never my plan. But I'm sure as glad it turned out this way.

August 2021
The pain in my chest was mild compared to when I was dancing and I don't even know when that was. Was it a couple hours ago? Yesterday? Last week? My concept of time gone as I woke, hearing machines beep. The smell of ammonia rich in the room. I looked around myself, seeing I was alone, but so many cords were hanging every where, I didn't know what they were for.

Staying still, wondering how I ended up in a hospital, I was startled as the door opened and Max walked in, a take away coffee in his hand.

"What happened?" I asked softly, surprising him.

"Kim! You scared me. What were you thinking? Dancing while you were sick? Why didn't you tell me you were ill?" His look was worrying and I registered the pain in his voice.

"I'm confused." I mumbled. "I wasn't ill. Yeah, some chest pains, and fatigue, but that was it."

Now Max was the one that looked confused. "You didn't know?" He asked me, his face falling even more. "You don't know."

"What don't I know?" I asked, getting annoyed, sitting up further. "Max?" His face was betraying him, emotions running wild. "Maxwell." I never call him Maxwell. The only other time I have was for professional reasons and our wedding day.

There was a soft knock on the open door and a doctor came in. "Good afternoon, Mrs Crawford, Mr Crawford." He greeted us and I barely nodded in acknowledgement. "I am Doctor Smith and I will be working with you over this long course."

"Huh? Long course? What long course? I fainted, nothing more."

"Kimmy, love. Listen." Max said to me in a stern tone.

Turning my eyes from the doctor to Max and back to the doctor, I had a sinking feeling, this wasn't going to be good news.

"I'm the head of Oncology and after testing your bloods, retesting them again and again for confirmation, I'm afraid, the news isn't good."

"Oncology?" I whispered out. I didn't know what that was.

"Mrs Crawford," Doctor Smith started, his voice soft. He looked to be in his fifties, clean face and grey hair. I felt Max's fingers wrap around mine. I was so confused. "It appears, you have, cancer."

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