37. Bad Luck

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My darling, don't ever lie. Not even a little one as it will eventually catch up to you.

I wish I could say I was perfect, but I wasn't. No one is perfect and we are all flawed.

I wish, sometimes, I could take back some of these moments in my life, change my response, turn left instead of right.

But then my fate might be a bit different. I might not have met Max. I might not have met you.

Some days, I cry over the future, mine now set in stone. I never wished for this outcome. I know what it's like to grow up without a mother and it sucked.

I'm sorry, little one.

I truly am.

I'm fighting, I'm trying my hardest, but everything is getting darker as each day passes, I feel weaker by the hour.

If I had just listened to my husband, I might have had extra time with you, even if it was only an hour.

June 2021
"Kim, please. Go to the doctors. You could have had pneumonia for all we know. At least have another day to rest." Max pleaded with me.

We were in one of the rooms I was practicing in at the studio and I wouldn't have a bar of it.

"I'm fine, Max. I am." I whined out. It was a lie. "I got some mysterious bug now I'm over it. We are back home and back to work." I gave him a wide smile as I kissed the side of his lips. "Now go to work." I teased.

Max wasn't happy with my response but he knew he had lost.

I watched as Max left the room and I continued to practise. I didn't want him to know yet. That bug was a week ago and I'm still tight in the chest, my breathing was shorter and I was panting a lot, but I pushed through it all. I will recover. At least the cough is gone, for now. Same with the sweats and chills.

I danced for a few more hours, practicing on my own, making sure I had plenty of water and food at each break I took. But Max's pleas didn't leave my head. I just didn't want him to over react, that is all.

After practicing, I made my way home, but not before leaving the Acadamy and seeing the flyers posted for the next production. With wide eyes, I read it several times, smiling wide.

"Are you auditioning?" I heard a voice behind me and turned to see Jasper and Marguerite.

"Hi!" I greeted them. It's been nearly a month since I saw them. They were both in their workout clothes, holding hands. "Of course I am. I wouldn't miss it for the world! Are you?"

Jasper nodded. "Uh, yes! Any and all parts possible."

I turned to Marguerite and asked her the same question. She nodded shyly at me. "What part?" I asked, intrigued.

"The white queen, red queen and Alice."

I smiled wider and put my hand in front of me to shake hers. "Well, good luck."

Marguerite was shocked at first but recovered, taking my hand, shaking it. "Yeah, you too." Was her kind tone. Marguerite has become a completely different person now that she was out of her sisters shadow. She was nicer and I no longer felt uncomfortable with her around.

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