28. The Revelation

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The feeling of a lost love is dreadful and its painful. I wish you will never encounter it.

It makes you feel lost and depressed, that you may feel unloved.
But that is not the case.

You are loved. By many. Some may openly admit it, some wont. But as long as you know you are loved, nothing else matters.

Love comes in many forms, not just three words.

It's teaching you right from wrong. Holding your hand. Protecting you from danger. Teaching you what is safe. A tender kiss. An intimate embrace. A sly smile. Even laughter.

Once you have love, never let it go. Never.

August 2020
It was the end of the first show in New York. The audience was a massive turnout and the building erupted in applause, long after the curtain closed.

I was breathless, smiling and giggling with Addie as she and I held hands and jumped in delight.

"Another success." I grinned widely.

Thats when I saw Max talking to Raphael. They were chuckling and smiling, talking like they were old mates.

I lost concentration around me and focused on Raphael and Max. They were speaking french and my language skills have picked up dramatically.

I heard my name a couple times, making me want to go closer.

Then they shook hands, both smiling. Raphael was more of a polite one while Max was a full blown grin.

I had no idea what their conversation was about, but I know I was in it.

Then, Isabelle was next to me and I looked at her in a strange manner.

"He is yummy, don't you think?" She snarled at me before turning to Max and smiling. "Such a shame you won't know." Then she fluttered to Max, a wide grin on her face as I watched her trying to flirt.

But with an awkward look to me, Max ignored Isabelle and came straight to me.

Act professional, I said in my head, watching Max get closer and Isabelle flustered.

"Hey." He said gently to me with his charming smile. It was enough for me go weak in the knees. "Listen, we need to talk."

I tried to speak, but nothing came out. I was there, standing in front of Max, my mouth open and not a sound.

"Everyone that needs to know, knows, Kim." Max continued. "It's in the open. I don't want to hide you. I never did."

He never did? "You made me feel like you were ashamed, Max." I finally said it. I finally told him.

Max had the look of guilt on his face and nodded. "I know. But that wasn't it. I never was. I was just trying to protect your reputation, your career."

"Maxwell, I want to talk to you."

I looked at Isabelle as she pouted, placing a hand on his arm. Then I saw green. I was given the flag to go and I went.

"Get your hands off him." I snapped at Isabelle. "Go find someone else to taunt."

Max looked at Isabelle, an eyebrow arched as she stared at me in surprise.

"Excuse me?" She screeched out. "Don't yell at me. Don't be disgusting. Have some respect."

I could have choked then, laughing at her. "Respect? Where was your respect towards others?" I pried her hand of Max's arm and looped my arm through his. "You can try and flirt all you want, Isabelle, but the one person you will never get is Maxwell."

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