22. The Dance of Knights

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My sweet darling, always be kind. Hate, anger and jealousy are nasty diseases that infect you, make you see things differently. Like glass in your eye. (Read The Snow Queen, my sweet, from Hans Christian Andersen)

Don't let it consume you. It is normal to feel these feelings, but don't let them change you.

Life isn't always fairy tales though, the prince doesn't always come, they don't always live happily forever, sometimes the villain wins.

But, that's okay because it means it just wasn't meant to be yet. It means there is a bigger and better adventure waiting for you.

I thought I knew where my adventure led me, but I was so wrong. It was just experiences towards it.

My adventure was finding you.

August 2019
Commitment, will power and perseverance is what got me through the past two months.

I stayed an observer while I practiced and I saw many things.

Apart from practicing for our debut in a week, the dress rehearsals were just as dramatic.

I kept coping the snide comments from Isabelle but they had died nearly completely from Marguerite. Instead she threw me looks of jealousy when we were on stage but they were sympathetic whenever Isabelle insulted me.

But I didn't say anything to any of them. I turned up, I did what I was told, then I left.

Every day. I did it every day. I didn't feel the need to be friends with them, and Isabelle and Marguerite were still being nice to each other and it has made me think of the predicament they were in.

Jasper and Marguerite hasn't told Isabelle. I thought it was cruel the way Jasper was with Isabelle, caring and affectionate with her, just as much as I know he is with Marguerite.

Both Jasper and I played the star crossed lovers, Romeo and Juliet, yet, he was in a secret star crossed relationship of his own because I have a feeling, Isabelle won't agree to let Jasper go for her twin to be happy.

But to be fair, I will understand if Isabelle flips her lid because Jasper is her boyfriend and he is cheating on her.

I had decided to ask him as soon as I got the chance. Not out of my own curiosity but also, I wanted a break from Isabelle's nasty tongue.

But I never got the chance. Jasper had hurt his ankle, landing a jump and stepping ahead of the beat, making him fall as we all heard a crunch of bones grinding together.

"Oh my god." I whispered, running to him.

Jasper was on the ground in agony, holding his ankle.

"Oh fuck!" He hissed out. Marguerite was next to me and so was Victoria and Raphael. "I've done something to it."

I looked around for Isabelle and she stayed in her original position, her arms crossed and a look of displeasure across her face.

"Mathis." Raphael called out as we all helped Jasper up. "Help Jasper to the infirmary."

Mathis stepped forward and Jasper wrapped his arm around Mathis's shoulder and Jasper wobbled out, keeping his left ankle raised.

We couldn't dwell long on the small accident and after a couple minutes, we went back to rehearsing, but this time, I was dancing with Jasper's understudy, Jean.

As it is in this line of work, the show must go on.

And go on it did. Opening night was approaching fast and we couldn't wait for Jasper to heal. We didn't even know how bad it was.

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