36. The Honeymoon They Never Had

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It's so hard to predict the future. There are so many uncertainties in it.
But what I'm certain of is this...
You are loved.
No matter how bad your day will be, remember, you are loved so much.

Not everything in life works to plan, we have to learn to go with it, accept the changes that are thrown at us.

Don't ignore the warning signs.

I was so happy and in love and I knew at that time that it will conquer any challenge.

Always take a step back, take a breather, look at it in a different angle because there is always an answer to any problem.

That was my attitude.

I learnt the hard way and it's a road I would never wish upon anyone.

Always have support, accept it and never try to jump over a challenge alone, it can split your path into two.

I guess I'm trying to say, don't repeat my mistakes. Don't think you can do it alone and act upon that thought.

It's a lonely path, especially when you have support and push them away.

June 2021
It was spontaneous. We decided to go on our much needed honeymoon.

I was so excited, having two weeks away, just Max and I.

I was surprised when he sprung it on me, wondering where the finances came for it, but Max kissed my concerns away, making me melt to him.

"Not to worry, love. We deserve this." He said to me, his lips against mine. I smiled widely at him.

"We are we going?" I laughed, liking the idea more and more.

"Greece." He stated and my eyes lit up.

So that's what we did. We hid away at night in a hotel room, to ourselves and through the day we explored.

I loved having this time with Max, we had no responsibilities to go to work, we weren't rushing and being late, we were absolutely and completely, carefree.

It was early hours of the morning, the sky still dark as we laid on the bed. Max had his arm wrapped around me, I was resting my head on his shoulder, an arm of mine laying across his stomach.

"Kimmy, love." Max called out to me and I sleepily hummed out a reply.

I could feel Max hesitate and I opened my eyes, turning my head to him.

"I was thinking, later on, say, a few years ahead of us, did you want to purchase a house?"

What Max said took me by surprise, but I didn't know why because we haven't actually spoke about it before. "Ah." I sighed out, sitting up. "You want the commitment talk."

Max chuckled. "The what?"

"The commitment talk." I repeated myself, facing him. "Where did we want to live, what do we do when I retire from dancing? Are we having a pet or two? Should we have kids?"

Max leaned up on his elbows. "Actually, yes. I do."

I knew this day would come. The room was still dark, but not as dark as an hour ago, lighting up slowly, letting us know it's sunrise very soon.

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