20. A New Reign on the Horizon

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Somethings in my life, I am not the proudest of. But sometimes, I believed that I had to, to get where I needed to be.

It is hard to say don't do this, do that and all, because then I will be contradicting myself.

I'm not saying don't do it because I did, and I'm not saying do it. I guess, my sweet, I'm trying to say, do what you think is right.

Many opportunities will came across your path and it is how you handle them that will make you be who you are.

But to me, you will always be smart, beautiful inside and out, you will always be persistent and courageous.

Be a lion, take charge. Dont be the scavenger behind the lion. They get the second best things, I only want what's best for you.

But, in saying that, what's best, sometimes isn't right.

The world is confusing and a puzzle. It is something you will need to see for yourself.

June 2019
The day of the auditions came and I was nervous as hell. I was the very last on the list and I never mentioned to any one that I was doing it.

Addie didn't ask so she didn't know  thats what she said to me. "If I don't know, then I can't say if you are doing them if someone asks me."

I sat with the other dancers, watching. Most were here to watch, like they knew who was getting what role, they just needed to be told where to go.

They were sheep.

Marguerite went first, then Isabelle, who insisted doing a duet with Jasper. I have watched these three dance for months now and to say they weren't any good would be a lie.

I watched every performance. They did their own little routine then a routine the produces told them to do.

Some were really good and I was trying not to doubt myself. Just like everyone around me, we had our bags, our towels, we were snacking on fruit and water crackers.

"We have one person left." Raphael told us all and I didn't want to stand up because I didn't want my name called out.

The twins gasped and Addie leaned over and asked who in French to me.

"Miss Somers." Raphael insisted I go up to them and with a deep breathe, I stood up and went in front, ready to do my routine. I had been practising it, but I mainly focused on the duet with Jasper.

I ignored the whispers and mean looks behind me and kept my head high.

"What part would you like to audition for?" The woman next to Raphael asked.

Keeping my chin up and using eye contact, I dared myself to speak. "The lead role."

The room gasped then a sudden silence fell over everyone but two people.

"She cannot!" Isabelle shrieked, standing and pointing at me.

"This is an outrage!" Marguerite snarled, her voice a decibel or ten higher.

"Ladies, sit." Raphael boomed, staring at them.

"Are we ready for a new leading star?" The woman asked him. "We have our leading ladies. Why change things?"

"Victoria, as much as we accept donations, we do not accept bribes. If Miss Somers wishes to try for the part, she is entitled to." Raphael growled at her before facing me. "Continue and may the best dancer win."

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