Chapter one: Waking up

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        Jane's P.O.V

        My eyes open and I'm in a dark room. I stand up and I look around. No one is here. I am alone. I hear a voice behind me and I turn around. There isn't anyone there. 

        I hear the voice again. "You don't need to do this. Just get away from the cliff." 


        "Will!" I yell. But there is no reply. Instead I receive silence. Then I see something. 

        Huge waves of water are coming my way and there's no escape. As the waves get closer I hear Will's voice again. 

          "Jane no!" 

        Then the waves take me under. 

        I open my eyes and gasp for air. As I regain my breathing I look at my surroundings. I'm on a beach. Why am I on a beach? I look to my right and my eyes go wide.  I see the cliff, the same cliff I grew up seeing. This can't be. I stand up and walk through the woods, when I get out of the woods I walk along the road. After ten minutes of walking I see it from the distance, our white two story house. Home. I walk faster and when I'm twenty feet away from the house I start running as fast as I can. I run up the porch steps and try to open the door. Locked. I pick up the welcome mat and find the spare key. I open the door and walk inside. 

        "Dad?" I say. "Will?" No answer. The car is gone so maybe they went somewhere. What day is it? I go to the living room and turn the t.v on and go to the news. I look at the date. May 15, 2015 5:45 p.m. 2015? How is that possible? I run upstairs and go to my room, it's untouched. It's exactly how I left it. I look at my desk and see a photo album. That wasn't there before. I sit in the chair and look at the cover: Memories. I open the album and look through it, all of the pictures are of me. From the moment I was born to the most recent. There are pictures of the others too. Will, Oliver, Sophia, Austin, and Dad. 

        The last picture is one of me and Will at my sweet sixteen party. I'm wearing a hot pink dress with flats, and Will is wearing black jeans and a red button up shirt. We looked so happy. Under the picture in writing it says: We will never forget you Jane Kindley. R.I.P. 

        I died. But now I'm alive. This curse brought me back from the dead. I close the album and start crying. I put my family and friends through hell for a year and now I'm back. I hear the front door open downstairs and Will's voice, "Dad did you leave the t.v on?"

        "No," Dad says. 

        I hear footsteps coming up the stairs, "Dad Jane's door is open." The footsteps come and stop right at my door. I lift up my head. "Jane?"


Will's P.O.V

        I stand with the basket full of food waiting for dad to come back with his ice cream. I look around the Wal-Mart. It's been a year since Jane jumped off that cliff and I haven't made peace with it yet. I still can't believe she's dead. Everyday I wake up hoping to be hogging the bathroom and me having to yell at her to get out. 

        I see a girl with her back to me, she has waist length jet black hair, and looks about 5'3". Could it be her? I'm about to say her name when the girl turns around and I see her face. She isn't Jane. It will never be Jane. Dad comes back and asks if I'm okay. I nod and we go to the checkout line. We pay for the groceries and go to the car. When we put the bags in the trunk we get in the front and begin the drive home. Neither of us say a word. We don't talk much anymore. Not since Jane. She was the glue holding this family together. Now we're nothing.

        When we get home we grab the bags and I open the door, I put the bags down and hear the t.v on. "Dad did you leave the t.v on?" 

        "No," Dad answers and I walk upstairs. i see Jane's door open at the end of the hall. "Dad Jane's door is open." 

        I walk to the door and I freeze. A girl sits at Jane's desk. Jet black waist length hair, 5'3". "Jane?" She turns around and I see the dark blue eyes. It is Jane. 


Jane's P.O.V

        Will stands there in the doorway, his eyes wide with shock and in a moment Dad iss next to him with the same expression. "Please tell me you're real," Will says. I can see the tears forming in his eyes. I begin to cry as well and Will closes his arms around my body tightly, crying on my shoulder. I look at Dad, he's still in shock. 

        "Dad," I say. I walk in front of him and hug him. He hesitates at first then he hugs me back. 

        "Thank God you're here Janie." He says. 

        "I know Dad." 

        I let go and tell them what happened. When I'm done I decide to take a shower, I grab clothes and hop in. I let the warm water flow on my body and after ten minutes I get out. I put on my clothes and brush my hair. When I get out I here a knock at the door. I walk downstairs and see Will open the door. My eyes land on him immediately, his blond hair and blue eyes, his eyes scan the room and they land on me. 

        My heart skips a beat when he looks at me and I sigh. "Hey Austin."


        Hey guys so I have updated this chapter again for those of you who didn't get to read it, for those who did then I know that the chapter is not the same but close enough. Anyways vote and comment what you guys think. 

        Love y'all! 



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