Chapter Thirteen: What did I do?

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Jane's P.O.V

        When I wake up I'm lying on my bedroom floor. At first I can't remember how I fell asleep then it all comes back to me. I remember the look on Austin's face when I told him to get out. I remember the look on Henry's face when he left, and I remember the tears that streamed down his face. I put my head in my hands and sit on the floor. What am I going to do? There's a knock at the door and when I look up I see Will, he looks down at me. 

        "What do you want Will?" I ask. 

        "Are you alright? I mean about what happened." He answers. 

        I shake my head and I feel the tears trying to escape, but I blink them back.         

        It's okay to cry. A voice says in my head. I jump and realize it's WIll's voice.

        How did you do that? I ask. 

        There are some things you don't know about me Janie. He replies.

        I look up at him and his face is expressionless. I stand up and look him in the eye. He looks at me not blinking. "Is that why I can never read your mind?" I ask him, pissed off. "You put up a barrier so that I couldn't tell what you were thinking. So I wouldn't know your big secret?"

        "Jane there is a reason why," he says.

        "I thought I was alone!" I tell him. "I thought no one was like me. I thought no one would understand what I was going through. You left me alone William!"

        "I'm sorry Jane," he says. "I didn't want to. I did it so you could try and control it by yourself."

        I don't listen to him. He lied to me. He knew I wanted someone to help me. But he chose to leave me on my own. 

        "I didn't think you would kill yourself," he says. 

        Rage boils inside of me and I turn and snap on him. 

        "You could've helped me you idiot!" His face shows regret. "You knew that you could've stopped me, but you didn't! Don't fucking blame me for something I chose, I did it because I thought I was alone!"

        Dad comes into the room and looks at both me and Will. "What the hell is going on?"

        I look at my dad now. "We're a family right? Well screw both of you."

        I grab a backpack from my closet and start putting clothes inside. Dad and Will just look at me, Dad shocked by what I said, Will ashamed. When I have a bag full of clothes I go to my desk and open a jewelry box and grab the wad of cash I've saved since I was nine. There's at least 2,000 dollars, and I have a bank card with 20,000 that Dad gave me for emergencies. I grab that from under my pillow and walk past my Dad and brother. 

        When I get to the door that's when Dad tries to stop me, tries to talk me into staying here. 

        "Fuck this house," I tell him. I grab Will's car keys and walk out the door. 

        I get into the black SUV and start the engine, I pull out the driveway and drive away from the house. 


Will's P.O.V

        I heard the door close as she left the house, I heard the car drive away, and I saw her drive down the road in my SUV. I don't care though. I messed up. Really bad. I walk to her desk and see the photo album I made a month after she jumped off the cliff. I pick it up and throw it across the room. It hits the wall and falls to the ground. 

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