{Wraith x Mirage} ~Let me help you~

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Requested By : Firemaan ~ Thank you for requesting !
This one shot takes place during a battle, with some aftermath fluff~

As if the brute of fighting could get any worse, a barrage of projectiles rained from the sky, knocking Wraith away from her teammates and effectively separating many of the teammates belonging to the various combatants. She laid upon the mossy ground, the plague of smoke and dust infesting the air and triggering a series of coughing and hacking. For a moment, she struggled to pull herself off of the ground and regain her balance, until she remembered just where she was.

This was Apex, and Apex has no time for breaks.

She quickly got up and grabbed her gun before turning to find herself face to face with... A still enemy? The man was chalantly examining his gun and looking about as if he were in a city. Taking an opportunity she shot at him, only to see he had dissapeared.

"Hey, nice shot!"

The voice broke through the clearing smoke setting her off. She grimaced as she began looking for the source of the voice, a yield preparing to shoot the moment she found it.

"Hey, I'm not gonna bite, y'know! Well, not yet."

She swiftly turned on her heel and shot behind her, only to be met with a blur and another clone. Wraith growled as she finally saw him in the corner of her pale glare; the brightly-dressed, arrogant source of her annoyance. She quickly lunged at him effectively tackling him to the ground before the two went tumbling down the hill. Upon landing they exchanged blows, occasional abilities being utilized as their fight ensued. Eventually Wraith would lose sight of the man, only to be met with clones and more aggravating one-sided conversation.

"Heh, you're not too shabby kid. Not too shabby..."

"Shut up and fight me already!.."

"Why though?"

"What the hell do you mean why?"

Eventually Wraith gave up on attempting to Asassinate the man as she slung her gun over her shoulder and turned to head to the circle, only to have a hand on her shoulder.


"Why are you still here?"

"Well why not? It's not like I've got anywhere better to be. You got a name?"

"Do you ever shut up?..."

"Ouch! Hurtful.. Besides, I'll give you a name if you give me one. Deal?"


"I don't remember it."


She roughly elbowed the man in the rib, gritting her teeth and glaring daggers. Though she never spoke of her origin, she never recalled it. All she remembered was the day she woke up in the ward, and the voices.

"I don't remember."

The man clutched his side while getting up to quickly catch up with her, nodding in response.

"Well the name's Elliot Witt, but I just go by the alias of Mirage."




"Just call me Wraith."

There was a moment of silence as the two halted to as stop before it was broken.

"Hey, d'you maybe wanna team up?"

"... What?"

"You know, work together! Maybe Maybe I can help you find what you're looking for."

Mirage goofily smiled as he proudly stood, one hand on his hip whilst the other was extended towards her. Wraith looked at his hand, then back to him with a confused scowl.

"What makes you think I'm looking for something?"

"I don't actually know, I just got this feeling, like, maybe you're just like me, looking for something too, y'know?"

Mirage was interrupted by a hit to the head and an amused glint of Wraith's eyes before she continued to walk.

"Shut up and get walking, we don't have much longer before the circle closes in."

In respose, Mirage chuckled before jogging to catch up with Wraith, a hand clutching the back of his head where she had hit him~

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