I just died in your arms (Wraith x Wattson)

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So someone on Twitter (their @ is _jelalt) created this amazing mini-comic (Err, it's only two images-), and I honestly have been dying to write it into a story. So it isn't my best writing, however I am pretty happy with it, and I may even make a part two! Also on a side note, my Revenant x Reader story has been updated!

Ship; DarkSparks (Wraith x Wattson)

Word Count; 730 Words

~For added effect, listen to 'I Just Died in Your Arms' by Hidden Citizens~ 

The gunfire of squads fighting to the death filled the once silent King's Canyon. The legends had returned to the original place of the Apex Games after repairs had been made, and with the destructive entrance of Loba Andrade and her quest for vengeance, the stomping grounds were most certainly far from what they once were. To put it in the words of the great legends themselves, 

King's Canyon will never be the same.

Nevertheless, for the day's match the legends were in groups of two-- duos, and Renee Blasey who was more notoriously known as Wraith, had been paired with the kinetic defender and resident of King's Canyon-- Natalie Paquette, alias Wattson. Truth be told, the two had a sort of natural chemistry, as though they had known one another from a past life. Renee would always go to Natalie when she felt that familiar pang of anxiety from her past (Or moreso, lack of a past), and Natalie would go to Renee when the ever so loud on goings of the many other legends proved to be too much for the girl's senses, and she needed help to be grounded back to reality. Even then, the two would always find themselves alone with one another- and enjoying each other's company. It had become apparent that what Renee felt towards the girl was more than a platonic connection but something more, and that filled her with determination to protect her at all costs. So when the two had been pulled into miss Andrade's schemes Renee was anything but pleased. The two had been sent on a mission to obtain a stupid piece of a relic, and Natalie was almost gravely injured by some sort of shadow manifested beast. Renee had never seen the girl so terrified, and never again did she want to. She loathed Loba for endangering Natalie, which brings each to their own to their current dilemma.. 

The two were midway through a match and in the midst of an intense fire fight when it happened, when Renee heard the piercing scream of the engineer. She had went in to finish the last of another enemy duo while Natalie was supposed to wait in the safety of their defenses, but it had seemed as though someone had dared to attack her. Void phasing and quickly leaping over the many natural occurring rock formations and deathboxes, Renee froze in place. Standing above Natalie, her Havoc in hand, was none other than herself- Dawning that oh so familiar pilot suit she was wearing the day she had helped her escape the lab. The alternate form of herself had disarmed Natalie, knocking her to the ground and preparing to shoot before Renee tackled her to the ground. pulling herself back up, Renee swiftly pulled Natalie into her arms, who was cowering, holding her head. Blood slowly dripped from her right temple, a clear indication her alternate self had harmed her. 

"Step away from her Renee, she's only an interference." The alternate version had now revealed her face just as she did that one fateful day, the two being identical as they were the same embodiment. Renee glared daggers as she pulled Natalie closer, kunai in hand. It was evident that neither would stand down, and despite whatever her alternate form meant by 'interference', she did not give two shits.

 "I'll let you hurt her over my dead, rotting corpse." Her icy glare was reciprocated with a tint of malice for the one she once thanked as a savior, her loyalty to Natalie proving to be enough to turn her away from the form of herself. With a shift and a drop of the havoc, the alternate Wraith reopened a portal. "You'll understand in time, I'll make sure of that." And with that, the girl had left their dimension. Cradling Natalie's trembling form in her arms Renee gently lifted the girl's face to her own. Her baby blue irises were watery as she looked to where the alternate form of Renee had once stood, then back to her in confusion. 

"I'll explain when we get out of this match, but for now I've got you.." gently placing her lips to the crown of her head Renee pulled her into a tight embrace to which Natalie immediately returned it.

"I'll protect you Nat, I promise-- Even if it means destroying myself in the process."


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