Senses (Wraith x Bloodhound)

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Howdy again!! I'm really excited for this one-shot, and for someone requesting it! This ship sound so interesting, and I'd love to learn more about it :D 


Requested by: acallama ~ Thank you for requesting !


The ground trembled as she hit the ground. The girl with no ties, no past, was back in the arena and more determined than the last time as her squad mates followed suit. The first, a seemingly collected man by the alias of Gibraltar, and the second, a combatant only known by the alias of Bloodhound. Wraith was desperately close to finding something linked to her identity in the last match, but had it snatched away when she was eliminated by an arrogant, duplicating dunce in bright yellow. She vowed to take him down if she saw him this round as well, but that tale is for another time. Gibraltar led the squad into a desolated air base where no other squads seemed to drop. They were inside the circle, so time didn't seem to be of the essence, at least not for Wraith's allies. As she picked the Flatline and heavy ammo from the ground, the voice of one of her allies broke her thoughts. 

"Hey brothas, I'm gonna keep watch for any incoming hostiles." Gibraltar swiftly announced before making his way to the top of the base and setting up in one of the guard posts. With a roll of her pale eyes she continued to search the base, looting as she looked for any tips or clues that could trigger any memory. But from the corner of her ally's eye they seemed to pick up on her urgent scrambling. Bloodhound, upon finishing looting, followed behind the woman before calmly inquiring as to what her actions were. 

"Are you looking for something?" 

"What does it matter to you?" She spoke whilst continuing to search for a hint to her identity her eyes never leaving the knocked over desks and cabinets. 

"Perhaps I can be of assistance."

Wraith was surprised, quite frankly, at the proposal. Usually allies would brush her remarks off and be on their way, but this one was offering to help her.. It was strange. Nevertheless she regained her cool and collected composure before speaking once more. 

"Would you even want to help? I don't even know you and you don't even know what I'm doing.."

"Then let us get to know each other. Is that alright with you?" The way the questioned was posed was cautious yet understanding, as if they knew the personal aspect of the situation at hand. Wraith didn't know much about the individual before her, but they already seemed to calm her nerves, something most people couldn't. She stopped to face her ally. She passed a glance of affirmation as they began helping her look through the old documents, handing her each folder as she spoke. 

".. Okay, I guess so. I.. I don't remember much of what happened to me. I don't really remember anything, really. All I know is that I woke up in an asylum and.. Heard voices. It was as if they were talking to me, trying to make me listen. I almost lost my mind there until I stopped trying to scream louder and listen. They helped me understand the powers I have.. They helped me to understand the void, and eventually they even helped me escape. I'm here because I want to find who I am. I don't want to lose myself, and I know there's millions of documents here. All around this arena, the buildings and in the remains of the buried laboratories. I've gotta find something.." As Wraith spoke, time seemed to pass slowly, and the two covered more of the documents. Bloodhound seemed to be taken aback by her story as the two finished looking through the filing cabinet's contents. They stood and extended her a hand, helping to her feet. 

"The allfather works in strange ways, but I believe you will find yourself one day miss."

"Wraith. I'm known as Wraith. You never did give me your name.."

"I am Bloothhoondr, but you may call me Bloodhound." Upon finishing introductions their silent moment of bonding was broken by the voice of their third squad member. 

"Heads up, hostiles incoming!"

"I suppose we will have to continue searching once the hostiles are accounted for, correct?" 

"Sounds like a plan, let's go." With a surprisingly hopeful smile Wraith swiftly sprinted into the void, presumably towards the hostiles. Bloodhound nodded in response before activating Eye of the Allfather and preparing to ambush the unsuspecting enemies. 

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