His Return (Revenant x Reader)

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Not gonna lie, I was exxpecting a new legend but not like this- I mean I'm not complaining though, Revenant is pretty interesting!! I'm not sure if this is gonna be popular, but if you guys want I was thinking of making a separate book continuing this little angsty one shot for Rev!! If that's something you want to see, feel free to let me know via my dms or the lovely comments!~ 

Word count; 519

Character Count; 2,807

Time; 16 minutes (I had a small spurt of inspiration from a really old song- Speaking of)

For a better experience, check out the song at the top!!

t was something you never thought you'd revisit, at least not on your own terms.. It was a tragedy for you and many others, an old wound you never wished to open back up. And yet, as the most recent news flash appeared so suddenly on your TV screen you found yourself wondering and rekindling the the light of the event from that fateful day.

He was protective, always so deathly protective. Though he appeared normal to everyone in your normal lives, you knew the truth. You knew about his jobs and where they took him, as well as the dangers he faced on each job. Each call you got from him before he would leave the city on 'business', each sleepless night hoping for his safe return. He loved you dearly, and though he was discreet of his relationship to you, behind closed doors he would make every effort to ensure you knew just how much he did.

It was a cold night on the first of September when you last saw him, at least when you last saw him alive. You remember how he held you before he walked out the door on another call, another job. He softly kissed you as he whispered those soft promises of returning home safely and that he'd come back one way or another.

"I wish there was more time to spend with you..", he whispered so sweetly into your ear as he squeezed you lovingly. You thought the two of you would have all the time in the world, oh how foolish you were at that very moment. He kissed you goodbye so lovingly as he finally left, ph how little the two of you knew that would be the last kiss you'd share. As the days went by with no call and no avail you refused to believe he wouldn't come back alive, and after months of hoping and constantly calling that damned company, the very ones whom sent him to his death, a statement was finally released to you and his loved ones that he was 'gone'.

It shook your world and even now you still feel pain whenever the thought of him reminisces and saunters to your conscience. And despite your countless attempts, dates and going out late at night you still had yet to move on. Try as you would it was much easier said than done. However, it wasn't until that sudden alert of breaking news, that very story, that you had rekindled some sort of hope.


The further you read into the article, the more it seemed there was hope. You began to hyperfixate on the identity of this unknown assassin clinging to the remainder of your hope, reading into his connections to his attacks until you found the many different articles from the past few weeks of Hamond employees disappearing and being found dead miraculously. It was a crazy ambitious thought, but something in you felt as though he was back, through some twisted miracle. You weren't sure how, but you knew it was him.

And as you saw he would be participating in the Apex Games, your cynical ambition told you to risk it all and sign up for the fight of your life.

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