Friendly? (Pathfinder x Lost! Enemy reader)

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And I'm back!! I'm super happy you guys like the book so far!! I'll be posting another one-shot later as well, so keep an eye out, Wraith-hound shippers!! This one was super sweet to write, and Pathfinder is just too darn friendly and sweet!! I hope you guys enjoy :D

Requested by: mixedcodes ~ thank you for requesting !



The girl quietly growled as she tripped over her own feet and hit the ground hard. She couldn't see a thing with the sudden barrage of projectiles from the sky, and to make things worse she couldn't even find her team. Things weren't looking too well for y/n, who had dropped in the Cascades. She ran inside one of the abandoned huts in search of a weapon, only finding ammo, armor and throwing stars. Not how she wanted to start the tournament, but things could have been worse. As she began to search the upper floor, she heard footsteps from below her. And they were definitely not from her allies. She quickly took cover by the stairway and clenched her fists. If she were to die, she was going to go out screaming. 

To her surprise, the enemy in the hut wasn't a human but a robot... It seemed to have some sort of screen on its chest, and a single optic on its head for sight. "What the hell.." Before she could stop herself from speaking, her thought slipped from her lips and caught the robot's attention. For a split second the screen flashed red, before reverting back to a bright green and yellow hue. "Hello! You don't know where my creator is, do you?" It seemed to be looking for a 'creator', of sorts. Who it was? (y/n) had no clue. "I.. I don't believe so. I'm just looking for my squad, that's all.." The girl took a step back, unsure of whether to run or stay in place. With a cheerful chirp the robot seemed to follow with a step closer. "Maybe we can work together!" 


"Huh?" (y/n) was confused by the sudden proposal. 'This was Apex, so why hadn't it attacked me already?' Deciding that sticking with the robot was better than risking being gunned down by a full squad, (y/n) nodded in response. "Okay, we should probably be careful though. We're both unarmed, and there are hostiles in the area." Before (y/n) returned to her task of looting, she quickly asked the robot, "By the way, what should I call you?"

"Most of the competitors call me Pathfinder! Isn't it nice?" 


"Yea. I'm (y/n), by the way." As she girl held her hand out for Pathfinder to shake, he held his hand up. "High five?" She softly giggled to herself before lifting her hand and 'high-fiving' his. Despite not knowing Path all that well, she could tell it wouldn't be as bad as she thought. The two stealthily made their way out of the hut and crawled to an unopened supply bin, checking it for any weapons. Inside lay a Wingman, Eva-8 and a combination of heavy ammo and shells to accompany the guns. A thermal grenade also lay in the bin, quietly seething as if beckoning to be thrown. "How convenient.. " The two quickly grabbed the guns and ammo, (y/n) testing her grip on the Wingman. Though it was a small weapon, it had quite the punch, much to her liking. 

And almost as if fate couldn't be any more convenient, an enemy squad just happened to spot them from one of the huts. The squad didn't seem to look like anyone she knew, perhaps they were new legends? Before (y/n) could respond Pathfinder quickly deployed a zipline, pulling her to it. "Who's ready to zipline?" He seemed overly enthusiastic despite the enemy squad's firing, but (y/n) disregarded it as she quickly took the zipline to the top of the hill. Turning around she was surprised to see that as he followed behind he shot down the enemy squad, taking down just as he jumped off of the zipline. "I didn't know you could deploy ziplines.. What else can you do?" (y/n) seemed to be impressed, as Pathfinder beamed with positivity (as always ^.^). "I can scan survey beacons to determine the next circle, as well as grapple to different places. It's always fun to grapple!" 

With a soft giggle, (y/n)Patted the robot's back before running into the next circle. Despite there being somewhere between 12-10 squads remaining, she and Pathfinder were optimistic that the match would be in their favor, (y/n) even proposing that the two go to an arcade after the match. And to Path, things were looking magical. 

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