Protecting you (Gibraltar x Bloodhound)

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Hello again, friends!! This one-shot was definitely a fun experience for me, as I got to try out writing an overprotective character!! Also, I do know Gibraltar technically has a boyfriend in the lore, but for this one-shot his boyfriend didn't survive the mudslide incident (also, for the sake of placeholding, I'll be giving his boyfriend the name of Corrin). This ship is one I'm new to, so I hope I didn't mess anything up!! Also, when we hit 1k views, I'll be holding a small contest for all of my readers, so keep an eye out!!


Requested by: DokiDokiJoji ~ Thank you for requesting !


The brunt force of the battle rose as the squads began to drop. Gibraltar smiled proudly upon being given the title of jumpmaster. He had won many tournaments in the Apex scene, and to him this would be another star to his collection. His squad consisted of the tracker known as Bloodhound, and the combat medic known as Lifeline. As he scaled the map of Grands Canyon, he converged with the other two regarding a proper strategy upon landing, but as they talked he began to get to know the two. Lifeline's true name was Ajay, and she was there for funding for war relief. It intrigued him that she was willing to put her life on the line for the fortune, but then again she as well as their third squad mate was just as known of. Though Gibraltar hadn't known much about the tracker, he did learn about his belief of the allfather and his sight. It intrigued the man, and as the two converged he grew close to the tracker. 

Eventually he led the other two off the ship, and they landed at the Hydro Dam, a location that was seemingly void of any other squads. Lifeline began looting one of the buildings while Bloodhound began scanning the area around them, leaving Gibraltar to loot the second building. As the man began checking the first floor, he began dwindling and thinking. The tracker's accent was, to him, rather adorable. Not to mention, the care and focus they put into their tracking seemed to impress Gibraltar. Before the man knew it he was wondering who was behind the mask. It was strange, feeling the familiar feeling of a more personal interest in someone. The last time Gibraltar had such a feeling was when he was with him

But, even if he were to make some sort of 'move', he'd have to protect the tracker with his life. Though he struggled to come to terms with the loss of his boyfriend many years ago, this seemed to fuel his determination to protect Bloodhound, the way that he failed to protect Corrin all those years ago when they were teenagers. 

"Hostiles detected!" Bloodhound called to their allies as they waited for the other two. As if on instinct Gibraltar jumped from the roof and immediately sprinted to Bloodhound's side, making sure no one had harmed the tracker. Lifeline would follow suit, Desert Eagle in hand as she checked to confirm the siting. an enemy squad of three stood below on the other side of the river, unaware that they were being watched by them. Lifeline quietly chuckled to herself as she gave a glance of determination to the other two. This glance was acknowledged by Gibraltar, who calmly and quietly spoke. 

"We'll wait for them to go inside one of the shacks, and when they do, we 'nade them. Alright?" 

Lifeline and Bloodhound nodded. 

The three slid down the hill swiftly, pulling themselves behind the cover of one of the shack's underlays as they awaited the right moment. Lifeline held a grenade in her hand, ready to toss it inside on Gibraltar's queue. With a swift nod, she nodded back and immediately through it in, prompting them to prepare to rush in. Within seconds, the grenade detonated, and Gibraltar kicked the door in. 

"Their lives do carry honor", Bloodhound spoke. 

"Poor bastards", Lifeline giggled. 

Gibraltar proudly led the three in as they examined the scene. Two people lay motionless, a Mirage and a Pathfinder. The three examined the crate of loot between the two bodies as Gibraltar heard a familiar click. Before he knew it, Lifeline had hit the old wooden floor, shot right in the back of the head. 

"Get down, brotha-!" Gibraltar quickly pulled Bloodhound down and away from the window, making sure they were behind him. He carefully grabbed Lifeline's banner from her wrist, making a note to pick her up once the unidentified enemy was accounted for. A smoke grenade was tossed in, prompting slight panic within the man as he held his gun firmly, determined to protect the tracker. After a moment, Bloodhound scanned the area, and the silhouette of a woman was present within the fog. Gibraltar quickly engaged the figure, unknowing of who it was. The woman managed to grab her squad members' banners before being knocked in the back of her neck. She managed to land a harsh shot on Gibraltar, hitting his shoulder before escaping using a rift.  

Sighing in relief, Gibraltar helped the tracker to their feet. "Are you injured?" The tracker noticed the bloody wound present on Gibraltar's shoulder. Despite his best effort to say otherwise, Gibraltar couldn't convince Bloodhound otherwise as he softly sighed and nodded his head. The tracker proceeded to pull the man down and take care of the wound, scanning for any enemies afterward. Silence ensued for moments before Gibraltar finally spoke, seeming to be focused on Bloodhound's wellbeing. 

"You didn't get hurt, did ya?"

"Assuredly, I am safe." 

"Good, I didn't want you getting taken out too, y'know?" Gibraltar, trying to pass his protective demeanor off as defending his last teammate, seemed to strike Bloodhound as off from his usual prideful nature. Nevertheless, the tracker nodded in response as the two began their trip to the respawn port, Gibraltar walking beside the tracker to watch out for their safety. The two had a long match ahead of them, but Gibraltar knew he wouldn't let his guard down for a single moment; After all, Bloodhound's life was in his hands, and he cherished it. 

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