Halloween (Mirage x Crypto)

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Hey guys, Mochii back at it again! I missed you all so much, and I hope you guys are still staying safe during the pandemic! Before we begin, I just want to touch on a few little things I'm excited to talk to you all about. First of all, I've created an Amino! Well uhh- not recently? I initially made this Amino in February of 2019 after the game launched, but due to a toxic friend discouraging me so her community could grow, I dropped it. That is, until recently-- I've revamped and finished the amino, and I'm proud to say Apex Legends! Amino is now live!! The link is in my bio along with my discord, but in case you want to copy and paste it, I'll drop it here and in a comment! 


Hope to see you all there!

It was a windy evening in King's Canyon as the sun had finally set. The winds were howling upon the Outlands as the legends gathered around by the dropship. It was Halloween-- and to celebrate, a few had decided to play a small game of Hide and Seek-- more less. Of the legends who had chosen to join was Tae Joon Park, who was solely known by his alias; Crypto. The hacker was still foreign to the idea of being so close to any of the other legends let alone spending any time with them, but after his first few matches he had grown to realize they weren't the bloodthirsty killers he had always thought them to be-- They were all competing for their own reasons, some didn't even kill- as he learned from the gentle giant known as Gibraltar.

Tae silently nodded as Elliot had finished attempting to explain the rules before Ajay eventually told him to take a seat. As the combat medic wasted no time in explaining, Tae couldn't help but stare at Elliot's embarrassed face. Elliot Witt was always stumbling over his words in and out of the arena, and yet somehow Tae found it... Endearing. Was that the right word? He wasn't sure, but over the months he had been in the games he had found his attention being filled more and more by the holotechnical expert and his goofy shenanigans much to his surprise.

"Alright then-- Who's lookin' first?" Ajay's shout came unannounced as Tae jolted from his sea of thoughts (Totally not a Sea of Thieves pun-). One by one the other legends looked to the hacker as a groan escaped his chapped lips. "Yea, I'll do it." There wasn't much use in trying to get out of being the seeker, especially given Octavio and few others had already made off for their own hiding spots. Tae internally groaned as he waited at the starting point by the ship for a minute or so before announcing over comms he was now looking around for them.

Some could say it was unfair for him to be a seeker given his drone could give him an advantage, but Tae didn't hear any rule against his use of it. As he walked, twenty minutes passed and he had managed to find Octavio, Ajay and two others. It seemed as he had spotted Mirage as well, crouched under a ledgeway in the canyon by the Pit. As Tae went to tag the bamboozler, it didn't occur to him that it could be a clone before he was pulled into the canyon's alley, the clone dissipating into thin air. He was soon face to fave with Elliot himself, who seemed to have a goofy smile as he sat back. "Fanta-tacs-fa- Lovely evening tonight, isn't it?"

If his goofy smile wasn't enough to send his face into a blaze of red, the stuttering must have done the trick as Tae could feel his heartbeat hasten. Attempting to brush the reaction off as simply being caught offguard by Elliot's actions. "Jowah, found you old man." Tae chuckled as Elliot pouted only sending Tae's heart beating faster. "H-Hey! I'm not that old..." And then he had noticed it.

They were awfully close, and this Canyonway was rather small...

Wait, had he ever been this close to Elliot before? And... Was he getting closer?

Tae hesitated for a moment. What was he supposed to do? He had never been so intimately close to anyone before, and though he certainly wasn't complaining, he didn't know how to react. It wasn't until elliot's lips were gently pressed to his that Tae clumsily returned the kiss. Though it was sweet and certainly what Tae had hoped it would be, it was short lived as Octavio's yelling as he ran from a Prowler echoed through the evening. Nevertheless, Tae would certainly find time to pick up where he and Elliot had left off later on.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2020 ⏰

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