Warmth (Bloodhound x Male! reader)

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Ah, fluff~ This is one of my favorite one-shots I've written, as it's intended to be cute and... Well, fluffy! PART OF UPDATE DAY FOR: 2/18/19!!


(y/n) - your name

(y/h) - your height

(h/c) - hair color

(e/c) - eye color

Requested by: smol_cat ~ Thank you for requesting !


Ah, another day off at the Apex base. This sector was built and dedicated to housing and caring for the legends of the tourney. With each and every tournament, the legends would return to the base and prepare for the next; training, relaxing, even talking and enjoying the company of other legends. As this was the case for (y/n), a young man who had entered the Apex tourney months back to find out if they were as cut-throat as the retired legends at the bar claimed. A (y/h), man with (h/) locks and (e/c) eyes, he wasn't the type of person you would expect to see in a bloodbath like Apex, but (y/n) didn't mind. He seemed to enjoy standing out from his competitors and suprising the world with what he could do. To himself, it was a thrill. 

He sat back and enjoyed the morning's cool autumn breeze beside Elliot, who he found out went by Mirage in the games. The two enjoyed some lemonade and small talk while the wind whistled and blew, carrying the autumn leaves beyond the land. As the two quietly sat back, a third joined their company, the one known only as Bloodhound. He had become a fair friend of  the two men, and surprisingly the three were rather close knit. (y/n) noticed them and smiled softly before  waving. 

"Good morning, Bloodhound! How'd you sleep?"

"I rested well, thank you (y/n)."

With a light nod the two sat back with Mirage and began conversing,  Mirage chiming in every now and then. The soft rise of the sun into the late morning gave rise to the softly buzzing conversations of legends as more began to wake up. Mirage eventually left to challenge Gibraltar to another arm wrestle, much to the amusement of (y/n) and Bloodhound as the two continued to talk. (y/n) enjoyed listening to the many tales that he would be told by Bloodhound, and before the young man knew, he had grown close to them. (y/n) greatly enjoyed being with them, and even wondered if they would be anything more. The sudden thoughts seemed to bubble up once more within the young man's head as a pale blush dusted his complexion. He calmed himself before they could notice and brushed it off as an effect of the autumn cold when asked. but what happened next seemed to catch (y/n) completely off-guard.

Bloodhound picked him up, and proceeded to carry him inside. (y/n) immediately covered his face to hide his blush, but to no avail. It didn't make things any better when Ajay saw and softly giggled before drawing out a heart with her finger to tease him. Of all the legends she was the only one to know about (y/n)'s feelings, and aside from being supportive the girl kept his secret, occasionally teasing him when no one was within earshot. Before (y/n) snapped back to reality the two were in one of the commons, sitting at one of many beautifully placed fireplaces within the base. (y/n) was sitting rather close to Bloodhound, his head resting against their chest as the two warmed up. It didn't take long before (y/n) began to feel the familiar glow of sleep tickling him and enveloping his senses. Soon enough, the man gave in and aliped into a light slumber. 

Bloodhound noticed (y/n) had fallen asleep after they had received no response to a question regarding romantic interest. They softly chuckled before pulling them into their arms, gently holding them. Eventually they, too, succumbed to sleep as they held the man close. 

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