Here (Bloodhound x reader)

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Hello again everyone!! I'm back once more, with another one shot! I apologize for my absence guys, I was hit with an awful sickness and was away from my laptop so I couldn't write... But, I'm back and healthy so I'll be updating more again!!!

 I'm delightfully surprised to have so many requests for Bloodhound as they are one of my favorite legends! (I don't even know what it is but their voice is really neat ^.^) For this oneshot, the reader will be female (she/her). 

Requested by: anonyumswriter2022 ~ thank you for requesting !


Cold. The air was freezing as she ran. Her lungs were screaming, and her legs felt as though they were on fire. She was wounded, but that was the least of her concern. (y/n) had been cut off from her team, and was now running for her life to try and get back to them. Following suit were 3 enemies of a full squad; A Gibraltar, a Wraith and of course, a Caustic. The three began to slowly gain on the staggering woman as she leapt down the hillside. Finally she stumbled upon a loop of shacks stationed above a shallow river and bolted inside of one, leaning against the cold metal door as she closed it. Her breaths were heavy and rugged as she began repairing her wounds. Her gun was at her side whilst she cautiously listened for any sign of enemies.

Moments felt like centuries as she clutched the gun in her hand. She began to hear the thud of footsteps heaving against the ground outside. There were definitely more than the single squad, much to her dismay. She finally mustered the courage to peer out the door, just as a smoke grenade is thrown. 


It wasn't any safer as she still had no idea whether it was safe to stop hiding, but neither was staying in place until her inevitable death just happened to walk through the door. (y/n) took a deep breath before kicking the door down and making a run for it. The woman sprinted through the fog, running over what she could only assume was the body of a fallen combatant, as she noticed the sudden flash of a reddish light. It was more of a wave rather than a flash, but nevertheless it caught her off-guard. She recognized that light, and she knew for a fact that NONE of her allies had any abilities to see enemies. Only one person in the arena had such an ability, and they were running full-speed towards her. 


As though her situation couldn't grow any worse the sudden firing of an enemy squad convinced (y/n) that she was now cornered with fate. But in a sudden change of events, a hand grabbed her shoulder and pulled her behind cover. Turning to face her savior (y/n) was surprised to see it was the one only known as Bloodhound; An infamous hunter notorious for his ability to track any living being. Despite being assisted by them (y/n) had her guard up as she was unsure if they were to be trusted. 


"It was nothing, no one seems to know who their allies are.." 

As they spoke Bloodhound motioned towards a Bangalore who was busy chasing down her surviving teammate as though they were enemies. Come to think of it, where was Mirage and Pathfinder?.. As the two quietly sat for a moment, A wraith bolted from around the corner and took her aim. Before she could shoot Bloodhound immediately shot her using a Mozambique, effectively taking her out. (y/n) simply gaped in surprise. For a split second she wondered if they were human, before they stood up and offered her a hand. 

"One minute remaining, the circle is close."

Taking their hand she instinctively followed behind and ran to the circle. For the next hour or so the two would engage in small talk and looting, occasionally killing a stray combatant along the way to the shrinking circles. Bloodhound would track nearby enemies, and the two of them would engage in battle. And soon enough, it was just them and 2 other squads. the high sun was now beginning to draw towards setting and the two were at the top floor of a building in a small town-like area. The place had been abandoned long ago, but was suited well for sniping. By now the two seemed to be fond of each other's company and well adjusted to being a squad of two. They stepper outside for a moment and scanned the area, before marking a nearby building. 

"Hostiles over there."

"Got it."

Taking aim, (y/n) carefully set her sights upon a window as she waited for the unsuspecting hostile to walk by. It didn't take long before she pulled the trigger, knocking Lifeline down and prompting a fight. Her allied Caustic and Bangalore immediately saw (y/n) and without a second thought Caustic rushed to the building. Bangalore picked up the injured combat medic before backing up the psychopathic toxicologist by tossing grenades into the window where (y/n) was spotted. 

As (y/n) quickly ducked down to reload her gun, Bloodhound swiftly grabbed her arm and pulled her out. "Grenade, get to cover-!" Slamming the door the two jumped from the roof and bolted to a neighboring building where the sole survivor of the 3rd squad was hiding. The pathfinder was ducked behind one of the doors, Peacekeeper in hand. In surprise (y/n) quickly ran over to it and offered a hand, helping it up. 

"How are you still alive?!" 

"Ziplines are terrific!" 

"I suppose this is one of your allies?"

Bloodhound asked in curiosity. (y/n) nodded in response as Pathfinder explained that Mirage had been shot by a sniper hours before. The three converged for a moment longer before the familiar clink of metal signaled that grenades were now bombarding the building they were inside. Bloodhound threw (y/n) over their shoulder as they and Pathfinder ran out of the building. Though she was blushing lightly and very much flustered (y/n) was able to land a few shots and knock down a Bangalore as the three ran to the final circle, out in the open desert. They finally sat her down behind the cover of one of the 3 opened supply bins as the final fire fight ensued. Exchanged were grenades and stars as both squads fought, until a certain tracker went behind the enemy in a gust of smoke and activated what others referred to as Beast of the Hunt. Within milliseconds he had located the remaining two enemies through the smoke and knocked down Lifeline, grabbing her from behind and stabbing her in the side before letting her drop to the ground. He then tracked Caustic and proceeded to roughly hit the man with the bud of his gun, knocking him out with the handle of his knife before Pathfinder shot him. It was yet another final bloodbath as they stood there, the last ones standing. (y/n) was still very much surprised and in awe of Bloodhound's skill, as the ship began to lower to pick them up. They approached (y/n) and gently patted her shoulder before pulling her into a tight hug. 

"Excellent job, (y/n)."

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