Clashing (Mirage x Sarcastic! reader)

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I'm honestly so surprised to see so many requests, thank you guys so much!! I'll be working on those so hopefully they'll all be out before the end of the week!! For this oneshot, it will be a sarcastic female reader (female pronouns)!!

Requested by: Imaginaryinvite ~ Thank you for requesting !

It was yet another day in the Apex Legends tournament arena. Viewers from many worlds would tune in each tournament season to cheer on their favorite legends, and even pick up new favorites with the new-comers. Among the many new faces was a young lady, with (h/l), (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes. She was different from the newcomers in the fact that she was rather ordinary in appearance and stature, some even felt worry for a girl like her in an arena. However, Her squadmates weren't so innocently new. (y/n)'s squad consisted of a young, energetic girl who went by the alias of Lifeline. A selfless girl, she joined the tournament to raise funding for the Frontier Corps, a humanitarian organization dedicated to aiding frontier communities in need. And as for her other squadmate? Well, much to her dismay, it was a rather arrogant-yet fairly attractive man who went by the alias of Mirage. unlike Lifeline, he seemed more carefree and wreckless, tending to rely on his clones to escape arguments with other legends. However, had anyone heard his reason for joining they'd think otherwise. Mirage joined the tournament after quitting his job as a bartender to help pay the bills and make ends meet for himself and his mother, whom made the technology he uses regularly in combat. 

Nevertheless, Time drew nearer by the moment as the legends banded upon the dropship and prepared to fight, for some, to the death. (y/n) grimaced as she was given the role of drop leader for her squad. Of all the things to happen, being drop leader seemed to be a commonly shared burden. After all, wherever you choose to drop yourself and your squad could be the very place where you're all gunned down by some grappling robot. Checking the map, she rolled her eyes as she began looking for a safe place to drop. 

"This looks like a good spot!" Lifeline enthusiastically advised as she marked the airbase by one of the map's edges. It was on the other side of the ship's drop path, and most squads appeared to be dropping towards the middle of the map. Before she could agree, the two women were shoved aside by Mirage, who marked another point on the map.

"This looks like a good place, but what do I know?~"

"Are you serious? There are at least 3 other squads there. I don't feel like swimming with worms today, thank you very much. We'll drop here." With a final marker onto the air base, she led the other two out of the ship, roughly landing between the two landing lanes. For the next rounds she would, weirdly enough, be pestered by the illusionary who would make random jokes and small talk, run head-first into the enemy and even drop some loot from the deathboxes for herself or Lifeline to grab. However the sarcastic female quietly fumed in annoyance, feeling as though he was treating herself and her teammate like children. The breaking point was in a full on fire fight, when she went in to back up a clone he sent, believing it was him. (y/n) hissed as she felt the sharp graze of the bullet across her shin forcing her to take cover. She had been scraped up pretty bad, and was left with her anger as her support was eliminated. 

'Goddamnit, where the hell is Mirage..?!' She began administering first aid to her wounds as she heard loud footsteps, followed by the burning sensation of the recently fired Wingman against her scalp followed by sharp words, spoken from a sharp tongue.

"Did your weapon mess up, or did you?" The owner of the voice was none other than a legend by the name of Bangalore; A fierce war veteran and skilled fighter in gun warfare and hand to hand combat. Though, as she readied her trigger finger, a sharp yellow blur caught her eye. She swiftly turned to be met with Mirage, who was nonchalantly examining his weapon and fixing his wavy locks. But as she went to shoot, it was revealed to be a hologram, giving (y/n) an open window to get away. She swiftly leaped to her feet and made a run for it, only to be shot square in the back.

"Gh-!" She fell onto the ground as she began crawling to safety in an attempt to escape her assailant. But, as she struggled away, she couldn't help but notice something. Bangalore had stopped persuing her. Come to think of it, it sounded like she had left. 

"Boo-!" (y/n) swiftly jolted in surprise as Mirage rolled onto his side, laughing uncontrollably. (y/n) swiftly kicked him before grimacing in pain, the bloodloss beginning to take its toll. 

"F-Fuck, she got you good didn't she?..." His laughter dissolved the moment he heard her hiss in pain as he rolled her onto her back, pulling her into his arms. 

"Hang on, you're gonna be okay.." Mirage tried to reassure her as he carefully tended to her wounds. He made sure the bandages weren't too tight as he helped her to her feet, holding her arm to help maintain balance. 

"There's only one other squad, so don't wo-"

"you idiot! I could have died because of your stupid clones! Do you even know how many hostiles there were?!"

"H-Hey, keep it down, you're gonna get the hostile's attention-"

"Does it look like I care? You nearly got me killed! Are y-" (y/n) was swiftly cut off by a pair of hands on her shoulders as Mirage pulled her into a light kiss, effectively silencing her. Upon breaking the kiss Mirage was slapped, before lightly chuckling. 

"What the hell are you doing?!"

"Just trying to keep any enemies from hearing you angrily yap." 

The two would sit in silence before Mirage would finally speak. 

"So after we win, do you wanna get some coffee?"


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