Hold me? (Mirage x Sick! reader)

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Welcome back, friends!! This prompt was absolutely adorable to write for, Mirage is such a unique character and a fan-favorite it seems!! :D Anyways, I hope you all enjoy~ For this one-shot, the reader will be female (she, her).


Requested by: teaandcoffee131 ~ Thank you for requesting !



The sound of yet another sneeze emitted from the bedroom as (y/n) rolled over and curled up in the covers. The previous day she and her fiancé Elliot had been playing in the freshly fallen snow of the winter season. He had been given some free time during the downtime of the Apex tournament, where he was infamously known as Mirage. Though his beloved (y/n) was constantly worrying for his safety, he always would reassure her with tender kisses and promises of his return, to which he'd honor. Elliot softly chuckled as he sat up and gently rubbed her head.

"You okay cutie? You've been sneezing and coughing a lot..."

Softly sighing (y/n) sat up and shook her head. She was ashen, with a reddened nose and cheeks; telltale signs of a fever. Though she quickly attempted to pass it off, refusing to be wrong about yesterday. "I-I'm fine! It's just really hot in here..."

"Babe, what did I tell ya? You should've worn your scarf instead-"

"Hush- Achoo!" (y/n) was silenced by another sneeze, prompting the small girl to curl up more. Despite being sick, (y/n) was resilient and stubborn. She reached for a tissue before blowing her nose tossing the tissue into the trash bin. With another soft chuckle Elliot gently kissed her forehead before getting up to make some (favorite soup) soup. Not too long after he left the room Elliot returned, carrying a bowl with a spoon.

"You hungry? I made you some soup." (y/n) softly giggled before taking the bowl, pecking his lips before he playfully took the spoon. "Say 'Ah'~"


The morning consisted of her having to constantly remind Elliot that if he wasn't careful he'd get sick too, to which he'd laugh it off and proceed to shower her with cuddles and kisses.

"Elliot, you're gonna get sick!"

"I'll be fine sweetheart, don't worry about me. I just want to make sure you're not cold or anything..."

"Then just hold me babe", (y/n) softly giggles before quietly coughing again, holding her arms open. Almost as if on instinct Elliot pulled her into his arms and cuddled her, until the two eventually fell into a soft slumber.



"Elliot, what did I tell you?!"

A/N- I'm super sorry it's so short, the next one will definitely be much longer!! I just wanted to thank you guys for over 800 reads on this book, it's absolutely insane and I can't begin to express how thankful I am!!

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