{soulmate! AU} Indifference (Wraith x Bloodhound)

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AAAA I LOVE THIS AU!!! IT'S HONESTLY ONE OF MY FAVORITE AUS, BOTH TO WRITE FOR AND READ!! And this ship is honestly really lovely, so hopefully this one-shot aligns with the premise of both!!! I may write a second part for this once I finish with the current requests I have, depending on what you guys want!!

Requested by: Rikasa_Senpai ~ thank you for requesting !



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Black. That was the color of her forearms. It was strange, quite frankly, to have her 'mark' on her arms. Aquaintances like Lifeline had already met their soulmates, for her it was the war-eccentric Bangalore. Her mark was on her shoulder, a flambouyant blue hue from when the woman pulled her behind cover in a fire fight. The two were extremely close, Anita being overly protective of Ajay despite her best efforts to convince her she was safe and sound by her side. But despite the butterflies of others' success in finding their soulmates Wraith did not let herself grow discerned by their happiness. After all, her reason for being in the tournament was to find out who she was, and to be distracted by the fruit of love would be to forget the object of her searching. 

It was one of the off days at the base, where the legends relaxed and wounded down from their day-to-day combat in the arena. Some would go into the city and enjoy the many frivolous sights and shops, whereas others preferred the comfort of the base. Wraith would find herself within the base's living quarters, playing a game of Uno with the combat medic. Wraith wore a comfortable pair of black sweatpants, and a white tank-top, whilst Ajay wore a comfortable dark purple sweater and shorts. 

"Ya tried your best, but I win this round, Wraith!" Ajay softly giggled before setting the card down onto the opposing pile as Wraith playfully rolled her eyes. Though the two didn't talk much, they had grown close as friends through base activities such as playing games using the cards left in the living quarters. And despite seeing Wraith's marks unchanged Ajay never questioned them, as she knew it wasn't something Wraith wanted to talk about. As the two would play, a familiar masked individual would return to the living quarters, presumably after being dragged into the city by the doppleganging trickster. Ajay perked up and waved at them before inviting them over. 

"Hey Bloodhound, ya wanna join in on some Uno?" Wraith was quietly shuffling the cards as Ajay rose to her feet. Deciding to fill the time with the company of other legends and not being intoxicated Bloodhound happily obliged. The tracker took a seat on the couch beside the two as Wraith redistributed the cards between the three. As they played, Ajay enquired about who Bloodhound referred to as "The Allfather", to which they explained their belief in the Norse gods. It seemed to catch Wraith's interest as she occasionally would join in on the conversation. Wraith seemed to finally get to know the tracker, to her surprise, and even made a small mental note to talk to them more. After all, they seemed like a formidable acquaintance. 

Anita eventually returned to the base's living quarters with two newer legends, as she noticed Ajay playing Uno with the two. Taking a chance to scare the combat medic, she quietly made her way around the three. Within the midst of a conversation between the three, the voices within Wraith's mind quietly began pandering her. 'Someone's there', 'Look out', 'She's trying to scare you all'. Wraith cautiously set her hand face down on the table, setting Ajay and Bloodhound off. Before the two could comment on her sudden act, Anita jumped up from behind Ajay's seat. Ajay jolted in surprise whilst Bloodhound calmly sat unfazed, and Wraith fazed into the void, jolting back once Anita had finished her scare. 

"Gotcha didn't I, cupcake?" Anita teasingly hugged the combat medic from behind as Ajay giggled, playfully hitting her shoulder. "You always have to scare me like that?" Upon returning Wraith seemed to trip over her feet, her balance being thrown off due to throwing herself between the void and the base so quickly. Before the woman could regain her balance she could feel the sudden grasp of gravity pull her body down. As Wraith braced for the impact, she noticed her sudden plummet had been halted, and a sudden warmth enveloping her arms. Bloodhound had managed to react quickly, catching her by grabbing Wraith by her forearms. And almost as if dictated by fate, her arms felt light, tingly, euphoric. As Bloodhound pulled her back up, the black markings of her arms began to diverge into an array of color. The once dark black marks were now a diverged display of hues and shades of all kinds, the colors glimmering luminescently and vibrantly. 

Wraith seemed to be caught off-guard by the sudden sensation and sight of her markings as she began to feel herself slightly fall forward. Trying to catch herself she accidentally grabbed Bloodhound's arm, accidentally pulling him down with her. He seemed to feel the sudden sensation on his arm as realization hit the group. Wraith's black marks were now cooling and glimmering to a soft, pale purple, revealing to them that she had made contact with her soulmate. Ajay seemed to be in awe of the sudden display and leaped to Wraith's side, tackling her into a hug. "Your soulmate! You found your soulmate, Wraith!"

As Ajay pulled away, she and Wraith pulled themselves up as Anita patted both Wraith and Bloodhound's backs. "Ajay and I'll leave you two lovebirds to chat, you all have a lot to talk about." Anita teasingly picked up Ajay, carrying her over her shoulder as the two made their way downstairs giggling. For the next moment, both Wraith and Bloodhound would sit in silence, recollecting what had just occurred and acknowledging each other's company. To find out they were soulmates was the last thing either of the two expected, but it seemed to surprise the two more than anything. Wraith finally broke the silence, holding a hand out. 

"So.. Soulmates, huh?" 

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