Valentine's Confessions (Octane x Wattson)

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Okay, this is one of my favorite ships and I just??? I had so much fun writing this?? anyway, aside from my pointless rambling I really hope you guys enjoy this one, as it was requested by quite a lot of you!! It's a nice and cute fluff for your feels uwu

Word count; 1,100

Character count; 6,100

It was an unlikely duo, to say the least. A somewhat reserved and insightful founder of the Apex Games, and a thrill seeking internet icon infamous within the arena and around the other legends. Wattson and Octane worked somewhat well despite their personal differences, and within the arena when they faced each other, it was hell for anyone who crossed their paths. The two just had chemistry that made working together like a breeze, and nobody knew how. Ironically enough, the very cause for their impeccable teamwork was an underlying bond they had, something that although wasn't spoken out loud if you close enough then you could read the air. Though the two never mentioned it, they were rather close in and outside of the arena walls. Whenever Octavio was bored or not busy risking his life for a cheap thrill and some likes, he would phone up Natalie and they would talk for hours, sometimes all night and on some occasions they'd make plans and spend some time outside and on the city.

It was cute, even, how neither would admit anything pertaining to how they personally felt about each other, and during interviews when questioned they'd brush it off and simply state that they were good friends. Well, that was going to change pretty quickly. As Valentine's Day was steadily approaching, Octavio finally made up his mind to surprise Natalie with the simple question of whether she'd be his valentine with a rather large bouquet or roses and a carefully chosen box of chocolates. Though little did he know, she had similar intentions. Natalie had gone out the day before and picked up a cute box of chocolates and a card, writing a small but sweet note before carefully signing it and slipping it under the box's ribbon.

As the two were in one of their calls, Octavio brought up the day the two were anticipating.

"So Natalie, you planning on going out tomorrow? I was wondering if you'd wanna hang for a bit!"

Natalie, of course, would softly giggle before answering the dare devil's question with a happy chime.

"Of course I would, mon ami! Where do you want to meet this time?"

'Okay Octavio, keep it calm. You're doing great.' He internally cheered himself on as he was quick to answer her, still being caught off guard and blushing profoundly from her giggle.

"I wasn't thinking too much, I mean, we could just kick it at my place if you want."

"I certainly wouldn't mind that!"

The two laughed as Octavio sighed in relief away from his phone, relieved that he had finally taken care of the first step. Now, he quietly thought to himself, 'the hard part; the day itself.' The two eventually ended the call to get some sleep, otherwise they'd sleep throughout the entire day again! Though it was hard for the two to sleep with the thought of Valentine's Day being tomorrow, each one eventually found themselves drifting into the dark subconsciousness that was sleep. It wasn't until the sudden beep of her alarm clock that Natalie realized she had fallen asleep at some point through the night in the midst of her own anticipation. She quickly grabbed her phone to check the time, hoping she hadn't slept through Valentine's Day.


Natalie quietly sighed in relief as she got up to get ready. She took a quick shower before getting dressed, choosing a casual orange sweater with a pair of light skinny jeans, matching the outfit with a necklace Octavio had got her for her birthday and a pair of boots. Grabbing the box of chocolates with the card she giggled in excitement as she dashed out the door and to his place. It didn't take her too long as she took the train just in time, so she quietly texted him to burn the time.

'Hey! I'll be there in a few :)'

Sending the text she smiled nervously, a soft blush dusting her cheeks as she awaited the train's stop. It wasn't long before she skipped off the train, almost tripping clumsily as she was quick to catch herself. She quietly made her way through the many others in the station as she walked the rest of the way before she finally found herself at his door, nervous as to whether it was a good idea to go through with her plans or not. Little did she know on the other side Octavio was waiting, also nervous as to whether he should ask her out or not. After about ten minutes of quietly arguing with herself Wattson finally knocked and stepped back, hiding the box with the card behind her back as Octavio quickly jumped to his feet to answer the door.

"Hey, Natalie- Come on in amiga!" He stepped aside as Natalie walked in being careful as to hide the box behind her back. Octavion excused himself as Natalie took a seat on his couch, the same couch they'd chill on and watch awful scary movies and random channels so many weekends. Octavio picked up the bouquet and chocolates from the other room as he quietly contemplated, once more, whether it was a good idea to confess his feelings. He knew it could go well or awful depending on her reaction and answer, but he didn't think he'd have so much trouble doing something so... Simple. Of all the crazy stunts and matches in the arena, none seemed to compare to the difficulty of this one task. He took a deep breath as he held them close before he finally carried them back into the room. Natalie was on her phone while she waited quietly for him, still keeping the chocolates and card hidden behind her as Octavio quietly sat down next to her. As she looked up, she was surprised, to say the least. Octavio broke the silence by finally speaking up.

"Natalie, mi amiga, you've been my best friend for a long time and if there's anyone I can kick it with, it's always you. So uhm.. I guess what I'm trying to say is, uhh..." At this point, his face was as red as a tomato, (Much to our amusement, LOL). Though needless to say, Natalie giggled before cutting him off.


".. Wait what-"

"I said yes, Octavio. Of course I will," She softly kissed his cheek as she hugged him tightly, it only took a moment before Octavio hugged her tightly back. Needless to say the two enjoyed each other's company with chocolates and cheesy movies for the rest of their Valentine's Day. <3

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