40k Reads- Update

655 9 1

Hello everyone, 

thank you guys so much for the support! I never thought my book would ever be noticed let alone so well received by anyone-- You guys are amazing and my world right now. But, for the time being I wanna touch on something since I have the platform to do so. 

I wouldn't have this platform if it weren't for the love, support and endless kindness you guys have shown me, and because of that- I want to address something very important. I love you guys, and I won't ever be able to express how much I love and appreciate you all humanly, but right now something horrible is happening. Police brutality against innocent people of color, to be exact. While I know this is a serious topic and not everyone has the power to go to protests and openly speak out for personal reasons, I want to use this platform you've given me to spread awareness. There are many funds you can donate to, including the official Black Lives Matter movement directly. If anyone has any links to other foundations and funds please feel free to dm me them and I will add them, but at the moment I only know of the BLM movement. 

Another way you can help is by texting  "FLOYD" to 55156, or by texting "JUSTICE" to 668366.

I love you all. You and I are the same no matter our differences. I stand with my brothers and sisters of color, and I believe if we keep fighting, justice will be brought forth for George Floyd and we can make an impact. 

As far as celebrating 40k goes, we can talk about it another time, as right now this is worlds more important. 

I love you all. Please stay safe.


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