Childish and Cute

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I wake up on the bathroom floor. My head against the cold tiles and my wrist stinging is feeling I'm all to familiar with. I slowly lift myself off the ground and make my way to the kitchen, it's been more than a few hours now since I ate breakfast with the boys. I open up one of the containers Jin left for me. I warm it up in the microwave and dig in, and not to my surprise it's delicious, probably the nicest thing I've eaten in this apartment so far.

*Buzz* *Buzz*

I look down to see that Yoongi has messaged me.


Hey y/n, I was just wondering if you wanted to do something tomorrow?

Yeah sure, I'm free anytime after 3pm because I'm working.

Awesome sounds good. I can pick you up afterwards. Where do you work?

At the Language learning centre, do you know it?

Sounds familiar, I'm sure I'll find it.

Also y/n just quickly, are you feeling okay? Nothing happened when Jin and Hobi dropped you home?

Nope, everything is fine :)

Text me if it isn't, Okay?

Will do.

~Time Skip~

I'm at my last session for the day and if I'm honest I really do enjoy my job. I find teaching enjoyable even if some of my students can be a pain sometimes. But they all really try their best and I love watching them all improve. The group I'm with at the moment are only level 2 so the content is a lot easier but also can be a bit boring. I'm sure they think that as well.

"Miss y/n" one of the boy's puts his hand up.

"Yes, is their something you need help with?"

"Can you explain the differences between the three there's again please" As he says this a man walks into my class room. He has a large coat on, a beanie and mask. I cannot see his face.

"Of course I can. The first of the three is is spelt T H E R E. This would be used in the context Lisa walked over there. The there refers to changing locations. The next their is spelt T H E I R, it refers to someones belongings. An example of this is they left their phone. Lastly the final they're and probably the most difficult to understand. It is spelt, T H E Y R E. It means they are, so an example would be they're going to Australia next week. Does that make it a little bit easier to understand?"

"Yes! thank you miss"

The rest of the lesson goes on smoothly, many more students ask questions and I answer them.

"Okay everyone, the lesson is over. I hope to see you all again next time. Please remember to study what you learn't today" I say cheerfully.

"Thank you Miss y/n!"

I stand at my desk packing up my books and belongings, placing them in my bag. As I do so the young man who arrived half way through my lesson walks up to me, he seems familiar but I can't put my finger on who he is.

I Need You (Min Yoongi X Depressed Reader)Where stories live. Discover now