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I sit quietly at my desk. I feel so miserable at work today, usually being here makes me feel something other than sadness. I sigh and look at my phone hoping someone has texted me yet as I thought that's not the case. I'll try texting Yoongi again.


Hey Yoongi are you doing okay?

I hope you're eating well and getting plenty of rest.

I was wondering if after I finish work you wanted to do something? I'll wait for you just in case.

Sorry if I'm annoying you, I'll stop now.

No answer after 30 minutes of me just staring at my phone. Maybe if I text one of the other members they will tell me something if not I hope they at least answer me.


Hey Jimin, sorry to bother you. I just wanted to ask if Yoongi is doing okay?

Sorry I think he's been a little stressed today.

Oh okay sorry.

I hope he isn't stressed because of me, there has to be other reason's right?. I start to worry, thoughts overwhelming me. I'm having a panic attack in the middle of class.

Of course he's stressed because of you y/n. You're so annoying and useless. You deserve no one, you deserve nothing. Just end everything now it will be better for everyone.

"M-miss y/n, are you okay? You don't look well." I look up from my desk. Everything looks blurry and my body feels heavy. I snap out of it and try to compose myself in the span of 10 seconds I have to answer.

"Oh sorry. I'm okay. Is there something you need?" Now I'm disrupting my students, what else can I do wrong.

"I have a question, can you answer it for me?"

"Of course, I'll see you in a second" I place my phone back in my bag and try to calm myself down. Everything is fine, everything is fine. Just breathe. I say over and over again.

"Yoongi! Yoongi! YOONGI!"

"What do you want Jimin?!!"

Jimin runs through Yoongi's bedroom door. Yoongi lays there on his bed, headphones on and music blasting. Jimin has a sulky look on his face, arms folded and he stamps one foot on the ground like an angry 5 year old. He's trying so hard to look intimidating but alas it doesn't work.

"What's wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you? How long are you going to keep ignoring y/n? She started messaging me asking about you. She sounds upset and worried and I don't know what to tell her because you're fine!"

"Then tell her I'm fine"

"Are you serious Yoongi, do you want to make her feel horrible, like she's nothing"

"Listen Jimin I have a lot on my mind right now, I need to think. I don't need you screaming at me just because I'm not answering y/n's fucking messages. Now leave me alone!"


"I said leave me the fuck alone" Yoongi stands up and slams the door in Jimin's face. He doesn't move or say anything more, all he can do is walk away disappointed and unsure on what to do.

I Need You (Min Yoongi X Depressed Reader)Where stories live. Discover now