I Love You

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You need to get up Y/n.

1.... 2....3... NOW!

I try to get up but my body is numb. Blood rushing to my head as the sudden outburst and lack of energy is making me nauseated to the point where I feel as though I will pass out if I move again. I think I'm sick, like sick sick. Looks as though bed is where I will be all day today. Nothing I can do about it I guess. Before I fall back asleep I need to ring where I work. I'd be bad if I didn't turn up without a word.

After I finish calling work I should've called Yoongi to tell him what was wrong with me. Unfortunately the headache that was slowly forming and the struggle to breathe was over taking me so instead I fell asleep hoping by the time I wake up I would be fine.

Y/n <3

I'm coming over is that okay?

Are you feeling okay?


"Jimin! Jimin!" Yoongi paces around the boys dorm. Phone in one hand and the other rests on top of his head. Frustrated and nervous he continues to message Y/n but still there is no answer.

"Calm down Yoongi, I'm sure she's fine"

"Why isn't she answering me then!"

"She's probably busy Yoongi"

"But still what if something happened?"

"Yoongi calm down please!"

"It's been hours now though!"

Jimin sits there just as frustrated as Yoongi is, not knowing what to say or how to calm him down. After some thinking he stands up and grabs a frazzled Yoongi who now has anxiety pouring out of his eyes instead of tears. He holds his hands tightly calming the boy down. "Come on I'm sure she is fine. There must be a reason why she isn't answering, maybe she's asleep or at work or something"

"What if she tried something again. Last time she didn't answer me she almost jumped off a bridge Jimin, I can't let that happened again" Jimin's eyes turn sad and he is unsure on what to say.

"What's going on here. What happened to Y/n?" A concerned Tae walks into the room.

"I-It's nothing Tae. Don't worry" Yoongi's eyes quickly turn mad. Lately around Tae I've been more cold towards, just the way he's been acting around Y/n has rubbed me the wrong way. But still I wont say anything about it because we are still friends, and I don't want to lose him over a girl however things do need to change. He has to realise Y/n is my girlfriend not his.

"Clearly something is wrong Yoongi otherwise you wouldn't be like this"

"It's okay Tae, it's nothing you have to be worried about" Jimin says clearly feeling the awkwardness of the situation he is in.

"Ah I'm worried now, I'll go see her just to see if she's okay" Yoongi quickly walks over to Tae grabbing his arm before he can walk out the door.

"No you won't"

"Why not? I'm worried about her Yoongi"

I Need You (Min Yoongi X Depressed Reader)Where stories live. Discover now