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"Namjoon-ah Namjoon-ah" 

"Tae, what's wrong?" 

"Nothing is wrong, I just wanted to talk to you" Tae's eyes seem to shine lately, well since Y/n returned home. She hasn't stopped smiling since she's arrived, yet he still worries about her. "How do you think Y/n is doing? I know she looks fine but I can't help but worry. She's like my little sister. I know she has Yoongi but I can't help but want to protect her" 

"I know what you mean. I think we just have to look out for her. I know Yoongi is trying his best so I'm sure we have nothing to worry about"  

"I really hope so. Even if she is okay we will look after her no matter what."

Namjoon nods his head as he agrees with Tae. Within a few moments Jin now joins the conversation. 

"Jin you good now?" Namjoon states crossing his arms.

"What are you talking about? I'm fine." 

"Are you sure? The tears you shed when Y/n came home was enough to fill a bathtub" Namjoon teases. Tae softly smirks and joins in trying to further lighten the mood.

"Ahhh Jin hyung you had us all worried there. I mean I'd never seen you show this much compassion towards another person, usually you only act this way in front of a mirror" 

"Okay okay, whatever." Jin is now slightly annoyed but still amused at the situation "I had something in my eye, that's all it was" 

Tae immediately laughs at Jin's comment knowing how far it is from the truth.

"Ya! Why are you laughing? It's true!" 

"Sure sure, we believe you" Namjoon's eyes shine brightly and match along with the smile across his face. He decides to stop the joke before it goes too far, another act of conflict wasn't what they needed. 

"Namjoon-ah" Jungkook now has entered the room. His hair long and curly, slightly covering his eyes as he walks over to his hyungs. He looks happy as there seems to be a light skip to his step. It's definitely the happiest he's been in a while. 

"What is it Jungkook?" Namjoon asks, the other two also interested in what he has to say. 

"Are we preforming this weekend, at the charity event?" As Jungkook finishes speaking both Tae and Jin looked to be very confused as this is the first they are hearing of this event.

"Charity event? What charity event Namjoon?" Jin asks. 

"Sorry, I forgot to tell you all. I guess a lot has been on my mind lately. A few days ago we got asked to preform a few songs this weekend. All money that is made is going to a range of different charity's but I wasn't sure if we were going to do it or not due to what's been happening with Yoongi and Y/n. I meant to ask you all last night"

"I think we should do it. It's for charity, I mean I'd be bad if we didn't" Tae suggests. 

"I was going to leave the decision up to Yoongi but that was before Y/n had come home. It's up to you all though, so just let me know by tonight and I'll let Bighit know" 

"I hope we do. I think it will be fun" Jungkook ads.

Both Jin and Tae nod as they agree. Now they had to wait to hear what Yoongi wanted to do. 

"Where are Y/n and Yoongi by the way?" Namjoon asks.

"I think they're in Yoongi's room" Jin says.

"I think they have a lot of catching up to do, I'm sure Y/n has a lot to say" Tae exclaims happy that the two of them are back together now, stronger as a couple. It's like he said before, Y/n was like a sister to him so to see her happy made him happy. 

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