Cold Nights

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As I sit on the swing I feel as though my head is going to explode. I'm nervous, really nervous, about Yoongi that is. What if he doesn't forgive me? I'd really have no where else to go then. But I would understand why, he is human and has emotions that I have clearly hurt. 

Sending the message was the best thing to do, a step in the right direction I guess. I need to talk to him alone, in a place he feels safe.  I wonder what his reaction to the message was?  Was he mad, sad, happy? No he definitely wouldn't be happy. Frustrated? Yes. Annoyed? Yes. He would be many things but happy is not one of them.

I wait a little longer, the air becoming cooler as the buildings behind me cast a shadow across my face. I look up for a few seconds and I see a figure running towards me and then suddenly stops. It was definitely Yoongi, I could tell.  As he slowly walked towards me I stood up, kicking the bark away from me, my legs becoming weak as the nerves were building up. I had planned what I wanted to say before hand but now that he was here, I'd forgotten it all.  

It felt as though time was moving so slowly as he walked towards me. His face becoming more apparent as he walked closer and closer. I had memorised every feature on his face, I could explain in explicit detail where every mole lies and what his charms are.  I could see everything as he stopped inches away from me, the two of us not saying a world, the only sound was of the faint noise of the traffic in the background and the wind blowing against the tree causing the leaves to fall. I felt as though I was going to be sick. There was something heavy sitting in my stomach causing me to struggle to speak. I wanted to say something but no words were coming out. The wind then was blowing in my hair, causing my nose to feel numb and my eyes to water. Actually I don't think that part was the winds fault. 

Not to my surprise he spoke first. "Y/n..." Was all he said. His voice was so soft and calming. I missed him. Hearing him speak and say my name was enough for my body to lose control. 

I stepped forward losing control of my arms as they quickly wrapped around his torso causing him to jerk back a little. As I did so I begun to sob into his chest blurting everything out that my mind was holding. My legs were beginning to feel numb as I was weak to his touch. 

"Yoongi I'm so so so sorry. I'm sorry for pushing you away and yelling at you. I shouldn't have done that, you didn't deserve for me to make you feel that way. I know you must be really mad and upset with me so I understand if you don't want to be with me anymore but I love you so much and I need you in my......." 

Before I could say another word he had pushed his lips up against mine causing my tears to stop and my arms to squeeze him tighter. His heart was beating fast up against mine and I could feel my cheeks begin to feel hot. His lips were so soft, something in which I had desired for so long and thought I would never feel again because of my selfish actions. 

He pulls away, our eyes making strong and intimate contact. "What was that for?" I softly ask, unable to say much else. 

He was smiling as he looked down on me. My arms were still around him, I didn't want to let go.

"Because I missed you" He said. It was enough for me to squeeze him tighter and for the tears to keep falling. 

"You shouldn't be reacting like this Yoongi. I hurt you and you're being so kind to me for no reason" I sob, the air now becoming more and more chilly as time passes, his warm body heating me up.

"I love you too much to be mad. I was more upset with myself than anything because I felt useless and didn't know how to help you. None of it was your fault though. You were dealing with something difficult so how could I be mad at you for that" He softly says as I look into his eyes, my heart still pounding. 

"Thank you... Thank you so much. I love you so much, I'll never leave you again. I need you Yoongi" As the words left my mouth he grabbed my hand and he begun to walk pulling me along.

"Come on let's go home" He say's smiling. It's as if he was the moonlight. He shone so brightly in front of me. He genuinely looked happy in this moment and honestly I couldn't help but smile with him. 

I followed next to him as we walked down the path. I missed him standing next to me, holding my hand. I missed everything, how could I push him away like I did. How could I yell at him like I did. What was wrong with me? I need to fix myself, control myself better, it's already working I think. I haven't hurt myself in weeks. I feel as though I can eat better and look after myself. I'm improving and it's all thanks to Yoongi and the other boy's. 

As we reached his dorm I stopped in front of the door. This feeling is all too familiar. I find myself having to constantly apologise to the boy's and Yoongi. I hope they forgive me once more.

It doesn't take much for Yoongi to realise that I was anxious. My hands were slightly shaking and my feet weren't moving. I could feel my breathe become heavier as each second was passing. It was if my whole world was going to fall apart as soon as I walked through the door. The unknown was in front of me. I didn't know what they were feeling or thinking or if they wanted to see me at all. What if I walked through those doors and they told me to leave, that they were fed up with my actions and didn't want to deal with me anymore. 

My brain was going a million miles per hour. I was so worried. I didn't want to lose them.

Yoongi looks over at me and holds my hand once more. "It will be okay. I'll go first. Just know though that they aren't mad at you, just worried. They will be relieved to know that you are okay and safe" He calmly states, my nerves disappearing. 

"Okay" I say exhaling loudly as I nod my head. 

He slowly opens the door and we walk through, my heart jumping as we do so. 

"Yoongi where did you go-" Hoseok suddenly stops speaking as he notices me standing behind Yoongi. 

"Y/n!?" Jungkook says causing the room to go silent. 

As the tears begin to stream once more I tightly grip onto Yoongi arms and my voice begins to shake. 

"I'm so so sorry. I'm sorry I hurt you all, you didn't deserve that. I'm sorry for being horrible and yelling, and making you all feel miserable. I hope you all know that I love each and everyone of you very much and that I will understand if you all never want to see me again. Thank you for making me feel loved and happy and as if I had an actual family that cared and looked after me. I hope you all know that you are my entire world and I would do anything for each and everyone of you. You are my life so without you I have no life but I understand that if I went too far and if you don't want to deal with that anymore" I sob, the room staying silent as I do so, my grip slowly moving from Yoongi's arm to his hand. 

They all looked shocked and weren't saying a word. The silence grew deeper and deeper. 

Before I could say much more, Jin who was standing by the kitchen has walked over to me. He then proceeds to wrap his arms around my body taking me and the others by surprise. Tears had begun to leave his eyes as he speaks. "I missed you Y/n. We all missed you so much" He says causing everything in my body to feel funny.

One after the other each boy walks over to me and holds me tightly. All crying, the room filled with sobs and forgiveness. 

As Jungkook is speaking to me Namjoon goes over to Yoongi, wiping his eyes and nose.

"What did I tell you?" He says, knowing that he's always right. 

"Yeah, yeah I know. Namjoon is always right" Yoongi retorts back.

"How is she doing?" Namjoon asks.

Yoongi looks over to Y/n, she's smiling brightly. It was enough to make Yoongi's heart flutter at the sight. Everything in the world just felt right, like thing's were finally coming into place. 

"I think she'll be okay. She's strong, nothing keeps her down. God I'm so in love" By this point Yoongi didn't really know what he was saying anymore, everything just felt right and that was enough for him. 

~Authors Notes~

Actually getting all emotional knowing that the end is right around the corner. 

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