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I am awoken by an abnormal noise shortly followed by another in which this time has the added affect of a flash as I can see the light appear even though my eyes are still closed. Not even a second after Yoongi has jumped out of bed almost knocking me as he does so. 


I slowly pull myself out of bed to see what the commotion is about. As I leave the room I am welcomed to Yoongi chasing Jungkook around the room. Jungkook seems to be holding his phone in the air as Yoongi tries to grab it. I can't help but laugh, the sight of it is hilarious.

"Y/n! Y/n! Help me!" Jungkook quickly rushes over and hides behind me gripping onto my shoulders so Yoongi can't get passed.

"What's wrong?" I say laughing as Jungkook pushes my body back and forth, side to side. 

"That little shit took a photo of us while we were sleeping" 

"What! Show me" 

"Ah fine, but don't delete it. I think it's really cute" 

Jungkook unlocks his phone and we are greeted with the photo. I'd be lying if I said it wasn't cute. Our bodies are facing each other and Yoongi's arms are around me. My hair falls softly across my face and Yoongi's forehead is exposed. It is indeed the cutest photo. 

"Awww Jungkook can you send it to me please" 

"See Yoongi Y/n thinks it's cute" 

"Fine, whatever. Send it to me to please" 

After that chaotic morning I find myself laying on the couch with Jungkook on one side of me and Yoongi the other. The other five boys are scattered around the dorms doing there own things. 

"Y/n what do you have planned for today?" Jungkook quietly asks from beside me.

"I was just going to head home and probably just relax or maybe see a movie-"

"She's coming to the studio with me later" Yoongi interrupts.

"Looks like I'm doing that then" Better to not question it. 

As the three of quietly sit on the couch a sleepy Jimin enters the room.

"Y/n, how long have you been here?" 

"Oh I stayed the night" 

"Jimin! Look at this picture of Y/n and Yoongi sleeping together" Jungkook jumps off the couch and runs over to Jimin.

"Jungkook stop showing people!" Yoongi yells.

"Ahhh so cute! Look at Yoongi cuddling her, he looks so small and soft" 

I laugh quietly to myself and even though I may be embarrassed I don't tell them to stop. Yoongi is clearly also very embarrassed as his large hands are covering his now red face.  

 Breakfast with the boys was quick this morning as Yoongi was keen to leave. He quickly drops me home as I'm still in the clothes I wore from the day before. 

"I'm just going to have a quick shower" I say to Yoongi as he raids my cupboard looking for food. 

"Alright then, take your time" 

I quickly hop in the shower, putting my hair in a bun as I do so. I stand there with the hot water hitting my back ever so softly as I look at my arms. If I'm honest they are beginning to look better but I find myself constantly wanting to make it worse. This constant loop of hurting myself over and over and over again, it never ends. I feel as though I'm going to be stuck like this forever, that nothing really changes and nothing really gets better. This is the way my mind thinks and I want it to change, maybe it's already changing and I just haven't noticed yet. 

I Need You (Min Yoongi X Depressed Reader)Where stories live. Discover now