Never Ends

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"Soooo you and Y/n look to be going strong" Yoongi and Jin stand there, side by side, both hands in the sink, they were washing the dishes together. A task in which Yoongi wanted to avoid yet here he is, unable to say no.

"Yeah we are" A smile quickly forms on the boy's face, his cheeks going red as he says so. At heart Min Yoongi is a soft boy. "I'm staying with her for a few days, I hope that's okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, It's fine. Honestly I'm happy about it, I got sick of hearing you two having sex all the time" He says the word's so bluntly, so much so it took Yoongi by surprise causing his cheeks to go a different shade of red, a much brighter colour.

"O-oh sorry" He manages to say, his voice stuttering as he says so.

"Grosssssss" Jungkook yells from across the room followed by Jin laughing.

"I'll go get the other stuff ready. Y/n will be here soon, we have to hurry" Yoongi state's, avoiding the situation, water splashing everywhere as his hands quickly lift from the sink.

Yoongi races around the dorm setting the final preparations. "Is everyone almost ready?" He asks from the top of his lungs instantly receiving confirmation back.

"We are all good to go" The other six boy's reply.

In the middle of the lounge room the couches have been moved and instead sit's a large table, paper, pens and other stationary equipment. The boy's sit at either side of the table one by and one and wait for Y/n to arrive.

They sit there patiently talking amongst themselves.

"Yoongi, do you think this will work?" Jimin asks.

"I really hope so"

"Don't worry, it will work" Namjoon adds from across the table.

*Knock* *Knock*

"She's here" Yoongi quickly get's up to open the door. As it open's Y/n walks in, a large smile is planted on her face but quickly changes to confusion as she see's the boys sitting in front of her.

"What's going on?" I can't help but laugh at the situation. They all look so small, like school boy's honestly.

Yoongi grabs both my hands and begins to play with them. He looks down at the ground and begins to speak. "Well, we were thinking that you could teach us a little bit of english" This takes me by surprise, so much so that I don't know how to react but I'm not opposed to the idea.

"Okay sure"

"Really?" He sounds shocked, his head lifting up quickly as he say's so.

"But you all have to refer to me as Miss Y/n, Okay?"

They all nod in agreeance, large smiles seeded across their faces.

"But that also means no touching Mr Min" I say jokingly shaking off his hands, the boy's below me laughing as I do so because of the shock on Yoongi's face.

I sit down at the head of the table. Yoongi still standing, stunned because of what I did. "Come on, we don't have all day" I state almost strictly grabbing his attention. As he sit's down I am ready to begin my 'lesson'.

"Okay everyone, tell me, what do you already know?"

Instantly Namjoon begins to speak fluently causing the other boys to feel nervous. "Since you're already fluent Namjoon you will be my helper" The boy nods his head and I continue to speak. I hold up the white paper in which I've written a sentence on. It's short and simple, probably too simple, at least that is what you would think.

I Need You (Min Yoongi X Depressed Reader)Where stories live. Discover now