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For the first time in a while I open the blinds. I sit just below the window sill as the sun tries to fight through the clouds as the rain quickly drops. This is my favourite type of weather. In the middle of spring when we have one or two days when it's complete misery outside, I love it. That is why I have opened the blinds, to watch.  As I do so my head is tilted slightly to the left resting on my hand as the other sternly moves across the paper as I quickly write, I've been like this for an hour now. I blurt out everything my mind owns, everything I've held hidden within, it's all coming out now I guess.

My final goodbye.

~A Few Hours Prior~

Jimin 😊

How are you holding up?

I'm so so sorry Jimin. This is all my fault,
I've ruined everything.

It wasn't your fault, it's no ones fault.
We need to talk to about it though. Please meet
us at the BigHit building.

Oh and where a mask and large jumper just in case.

I quickly dry my eyes and try my best to pull my body out of bed. I've been trapped here for hours. I look in the mirror in the bathroom, my face is red and my eyes are puffy. I try my best to hide it all with a little bit of makeup and a mask barely hiding my identity.

I go to leave. My hand hovers over the door handle, I'm afraid, anxious, words can't describe it. With a large sigh I breathe out and walk through the door closing it behind me. As I walk along the path I feel as though someone is there. That paranoia I now have to deal with, there is nothing I can do about it, I'm the one to blame after all. 

As I adjust my mask the wind blows causing my hair to fall across my face, I think it may rain soon. The humidity in the air and the lack of light gives it away.

I walk up the stairs quickly and thankfully there seems to be no one around, not outside at least, inside was a whole another story. As my foot enters the building I am quickly greeted to a number of employees rushing around, all seem very stressed and overwhelmed. I don't know it's because of the comeback or the number scandals recently, probably both.

"Y/n over here" I am greeted by Hoseok. Instantly I want to run away, run away forever and never come back. My stomach drops as he walks over to me slowly.  He isn't his usual self, I can tell by his eyes, they're emotionless, deep. He isn't smiling which breaks my heart. Every time I've seen this boy he is a ray of sunshine, not today.

"Hello" I say trying not to make eye contact. He doesn't respond, all he does is wrap his arms around my body squeezing me tightly. I stand there detached.

After a few seconds he doesn't let go fully, he is still holding onto my arm and pulls me gently through the large grouping of people. I'm thankful as I feel as though I can't move anymore, the anxiety and stress is beginning to catch up with my body.

We enter a dark room, one in which I've never been in before. Inside is a large table, six of the boys sit around it including Hoseok who has let go from my arm leaving me alone. Yoongi isn't here and suddenly I feel less safe. Not only that there are five men in black suits who too sit around the table, the one in the middle looking the most intimidating. I still stand there unsure on what to say or do until the scary looking man breaks the silence.

I Need You (Min Yoongi X Depressed Reader)Where stories live. Discover now