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There y/n lay, lifeless and unresponsive on the floor. Dried blood staining the cuffs of her wrist, bottles, cans and whatever else she was drinking lay scattered all around her. Her body looked as if no soul occupied it anymore, like she was no longer alive.

"Shit... quickly Yoongi check if she is breathing"

Yoongi bends down, his face practically touching y/n's. He listens and ever so slightly there is a small breathe that escapes from her mouth, it's enough to calm him down. Tears begin falling and gently land on y/n's cheek. He places his head on her chest and listens to her heartbeat. She still here.

"Y/n..... why would you scare me like this"

"Yoongi.... lets take her back to the dorms, we can't leave her like this and I don't want to leave you by yourself"

Not even a second after Namjoon finishes speaking he picks y/n up.

"Let me help you carry her"

"No, I've got her" Yoongi's eyes red and puffy as if he had been crying for hours.

~Time skip~

"Ahh my head...what happened?" I finally wake up, unsure on how long I had been out. My eyes finally adjust and it takes me a few seconds to realise the I'm not in my apartment. My body freezes but then I recognise the bed I lay in, it's Yoongi's. The clothes I'm wearing aren't the ones I remember, a pair of black shorts and a white shirt. Did I get changed? No I couldn't have, then did the one of them change me when I was out? Just the thought of it makes my face feel hot. I then perceive to look at my wrist and it's been cleaned and bandaged, a much better job then I could ever do. It makes me feel sick and distressed at the thought of one of the seven boy's having to look at my wrist, having to see the scars and cuts that consume it all. I really am so selfish.

The thought of having to face them after the stunt I just pulled scares me, especially what happened with Yoongi. I don't know what I'm going to do. I then continue to just lay there, thinking of conversations just so I'm a little bit prepared if one of the boys were to walk in.

*Knock* *Knock*

"y/n... are you awake?"

I wait a few seconds to reply. Nerves kicking in.

"Y-yeah" I say softly hoping whoever it is didn't hear me and just think's I'm still asleep. Of course with my luck that didn't happen.

The door slowly opens. It's Namjoon.

"Hey, you feeling okay?" he says slowly sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Y-yeah, my head is pounding though"

"That doesn't surprise me. You were fully out of it"

There's a silence, I'm unsure on what to say.

"You know...you really scared us y/n, you scared me but it was nothing compared to how much you scared Yoongi"

I want to say something but my voice isn't working.

"When both of us arrived at your apartment, when we walked in and saw you laying there barley breathing, blood everywhere we thought you were dead. I thought you were dead, Yoongi thought you were dead. I saw him stop and leave reality because his brain couldn't process what was happening."

I start to cry but still I don't say anything.

"I never want to see something like that again. I never want to see Yoongi like that again so please, please stay for him, stay for us. I know we basically just met but honestly you're already apart of our family. It may be messy and loud but we all need each other, we need you. Please for us, see that we truly care for you"

I Need You (Min Yoongi X Depressed Reader)Where stories live. Discover now