The Past

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"M-mum.. W-what are you doing here?" My voice is so shaky and my breathing isn't working. I want to run away so bad but I can't move, I feel as though I would collapse if I did. Yoongi is still standing next to me, probably more confused than shocked. I reach down and I hold his hand. I shake furiously but his warm touch has seem to have calmed me down, if he wasn't here who knows what I would have done. Ran away? Cried? Screamed at her? Jumped out the window?

"Y/n can I speak to you please, it's important" Her voice hasn't changed in the many years I haven't seen her.

I look over to Yoongi. "Do you want me to leave Y/n?" I grip his hand tightly. "No, please stay with with me" He nods his head. "Alright, I'll stay". I walk over to unlock the door avoiding eye contact with her. The three of us sit together on the couch, still I hold Yoongi's hand.

"Is he your boyfriend Y/n?"

"N-no he isn't"

"You two seem close, it's a shame to think you aren't dating"

"Mum stop, what is it you want?"

"Okay sorry. I'll be straight forward then. I'm here to apologise"

I become so angry, furious even. "I think it's a bit fucking late to apologise mum"

"I know and honestly I'm fine if you don't forgive me, I just couldn't live with myself anymore. I need to do this whether you accept it or not"

"Yeah whatever" I sit back and look at Yoongi but even he can't calm me down at the moment.

"Please Y/n, just listen to what I have to say"

"You know what mum? No. I don't want to fucking hear it, never come see me again" I stand up and storm out the door leaving poor Yoongi behind. Tears escaping my eyes, I need to be alone.

"Um I should probably leave" Poor Yoongi sits there awkwardly unsure on what to do.

"No please stay. You seem really close to my daughter, I want to tell you somethings about her please"

"Oh okay, my names Yo-"

"I know who you are. You're Min Yoongi also known as Suga from the word famous K-pop band BTS. It'd be pretty embarrassing if I didn't know who you were"

"Oh, true I guess."

"You know when Y/n was younger she wanted to become a producer like you, she probably wouldn't tell you this but she looked up to you a lot, she's been a fan for a long time. Not only that but she's also extremely talented at guitar, particularly electric. She loves sweets more then she would like to admit. She's also extremely intelligent, I heard she's a teacher, right?"

"Yeah she's an English teacher but Is that all you wanted to tell me?"

"No I guess not, I should probably just get into it. Has Y/n talked to you much about her childhood and teenage years?"

"She hasn't mentioned too much, only a few things"

"I'm guessing she talked to you about my husband and I fighting"

"Yeah, only a little though"

"Well that isn't the whole story I guess. When Y/n was younger we were quite a happy family, she was particularly close with her father which I will admit made me jealous. But still we did everything together like normal families would. We went on holidays, played games, had movie nights, we were a normal family. It quickly changed when Y/n started high school. I will admit I blame myself a lot for what happened. I became a drug addict. It caused me to fight with my husband constantly. Every night we would yell, scream hurt each other, break things for no reason. That poor girl had to listen to it every night for about 4 years. In the process she got hurt a lot and ended up in the hospital one time because of it. One night it got really bad to the point where Y/n ran away. She was missing for hours and my husband went to look for her. She eventually came back but he never did. He ran away, he got tired of it all but left his daughter behind with me, a women who wasn't fit to be a mother. She blamed herself a lot. To make it worse I neglected her. There were times where I didn't buy food and the poor girl starved. I used to go weeks without talking to her. I was a horrible mother and there is no excuse for what I did. I'm just a shitty person who shouldn't have become a parent"

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