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Tonight is the last chance I have to go to one of the boy's shows. I promised that I would go so here I am, standing in front of an outfit in which I choose two hours ago. Back then it seemed amazing but now I'm second guessing myself.

I put it on hoping that it might help me with my decision. It's a long sleeve checkered shirt with a short black dress over the top. I have the added edition of black tights that have imprints of roses across them and high top converse. I stare at myself in the mirror. "Should I wear this?" I say to myself. I guess I have to now, I think we have to go soon. I quickly walk into the bathroom and throw some makeup on and I put my hair in bun. Honestly I don't look bad but due to the lack of self esteem I have, I can't help but be anxious.

"Y/n are you ready to go?..... Wow, you look beautiful"

My cheeks go red because of Yoongi's sudden comment.

"Ah thank you" I say smiling.

"What's taking you both so long?.... Aish Y/n we can't have you leaving the dorms looking that good, someone will snatch you away from Yoongi" Jimin suddenly exclaims.

"You can rest assure I will never let anyone take Y/n off me"

"You never know, I might try"

"Park Jimin you stay away from my girlfriend" A jealous Yoongi suddenly arises. I'm not going to lie, I like seeing him like this. Fighting for me that is. I can't help but giggle at the situation.

"Come on you two, let's not fight" I pull Yoongi away by his hand. A quiet Jimin follows behind us.

At the front of the boy's dorms a large black van is waiting for us. We all hop in and I'm squished between Yoongi and Tae.

"Okay Y/n. The actual performances don't start for a few hours. I know this may seem awkward but when we get closer to the site we are going to need you to hide. I know the windows are tinted but you never know what could happen. Army's may run up to the van and look in or someone might try to get in. So stay close to Yoongi Hyung, he will cover you till me get there. Although we aren't going through the front, when we arrive there we will all cover you with our bodies. I know this might seem like a pain but if you two want to keep your relationship a secret then this is what is necessary"

"I understand Namjoon, thank you"

We all sit in the van and arrive at our destination. I wasn't spotted thanks to the boy's efforts. Inside the building there is staff absolutely everywhere, it's crazy. I hold Yoongi's hand tightly as we walk to where they're mean't to get ready.

It's amazing the amount of idols I've seen in the 10 minutes I've been here. All in which greet the boys and I, it doesn't feel real. All these people that I only see on the computer screen or hear through my earphones, so surreal, so overwhelming.

"Y/n you okay? You look kinda pale" Hoseok asks, grabbing the attention of the others around me.

"Ah yeah. I'm fine just wow, so many famous people here" I feel flustered, my heart going a million miles per hour. Yoongi arm moves from my hand to around my waist, he holds me tight.

"It's alright, don't worry. We will be in our room soon" The boys continue to guide me.

We enter the room and thankfully there isn't a lot of people in here. Yoongi sits me down on the couch and hands me a bottle of water.

"Sorry, I'm not sure what overcame me" I say putting the bottle in my mouth.

"Are you feeling better?" Tae asks sitting next to me.

"Yeah I'm fine, don't worry about me"

"We are going to get our hair and make up done. Feel free to do anything, just stay in here" Jin states.

I Need You (Min Yoongi X Depressed Reader)Where stories live. Discover now