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"Taehyung...."  Yoongi's face goes white. His voice soft as if he was in disbelief to what his eyes were showing what was in front of him.

"Yoongi who is it?" I yell still unsure to who could be standing at the door. 

Tae looks back at Yoongi. His face stern yet he still has that innocent look about him. In this moment in time Yoongi doesn't see that. The jealousy overtaken his thought process like a shark losing control once it inhales blood. All he can see now is a man that's trying to steal his girlfriend and of course he was not going to let that happen. 

As Yoongi stood there staring at the man in front of him not saying anything so Tae was the first to respond. Not verbally but in a way that only made Yoongi much more mental. He pushed past him hitting his shoulder as he did so, not speaking or making eye contact. 

"Oh Tae it's you" I say in shock. I can't believe that he has come here. It's not that I'm angry I'm just worried about what Yoongi might say or do especially after what he told me earlier.

"Taehyung! What are you doing here! Y/n is sick and she needs rest, I told you not to come!" His voice was so loud, I'd never seen Yoongi like this before. It made me sad to see him this mad especially at one of his closest friends and I was the cause of it once again.  

"I just wanted to see if Y/n was alright!" Tae was now yelling as well. Both boys fighting in front of me and there was nothing I could do about it. 

"Y/n is my girlfriend Taehyung, not yours! Back off!" 

"I understand that Yoongi but I want to look after her as well. You're not the only on who cares about her!"

"Fuck off. That gives you no right to turn up here unannounced. You've been pissing me off so much lastly and it's fucking annoying. I can't put up with your bullshit anymore!" 

 At this point I start to cry. My body becomes weak as I try to stand up and get between the two of them hoping if I did it will calm the situation down. "P-please stop both of you. Don't fight" As I say this I fall to the ground my body giving up on me. 

"Y/n!!" Immediately Yoongi drops down next to me pulling my body off the ground gently. I lay my face into his shoulder and I cry. I am yet the cause of another downfall of the boys and there was nothing I could do about it. I can't control the boy's emotion's, it's just not possible.

"I'm sorry Y/n. I didn't want this to happen. I just wanted to see if you were okay that was all I swear. I didn't want to fight. I-I'll leave now if that will make you feel better, okay?" Tae's voice was very low and very sad. I could tell straight away and I felt horrible because of it. Yet I didn't stop him from walking out that door. As soon as I heard the sound of the locks click immediately I began to sob again. Yoongi holds onto me tightly picking me off the ground and placing me back on the couch.

"Please don't cry" He softly says kneeling next to me and holding my hands.

"I feel so guilty though. Everything I do just causes issues between you and the rest of the boys. It's not fair to any of you at all" 

"None of this is your fault. If it will make you feel better I will go and apologise to Tae tomorrow. I'm the one who is in the wrong and caused the argument between us not you" 

That night I don't sleep at all. I lie on my back with my face facing the roof. My eyes are open and my brain won't stop. Yoongi is next to me but on this rare occasion he is asleep before I am. His body is facing me and I can't help but watch him. I know this may sound weird but surely I'm not the only person in the world that does this. Staring deeply at the person I love taking in every detail and perfection and imperfection of their face. Making up stories about what we may to do tomorrow or what we may be doing in ten year from now. It's funny just a few months ago the thought never occurred to me that I would be alive in ten years but now I can actually picture myself happy in the future. From having such a dismal past and present the future isn't looking too bad. It's a nice feeling but yet there are still doubts, negative emotions that still do overtake my mind. 

I Need You (Min Yoongi X Depressed Reader)Where stories live. Discover now