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I stand there in front of my class. My students working hard as I explain the worksheets I have just given them. 

"Today I will be teaching you the basics on short sentences. Nothing too complicated but it may be a bit difficult for a few of you. I'm always here to help if any of you are struggling" As I say this two men dressed in black coats, beanies and masks walk into to my classroom silently. It doesn't take me long to realise that it's Yoongi and Hoseok by the way they walk and by their eyes, the only visible part of their face. I become very excited but compose myself as I am still a teacher and must put my students first in this scenario.  

"Miss Y/n!" 

"Yes is there something you need?"

"Could you please explain this. A few others and I are struggling" 

"Yes of course I can" 

I spend the next few minutes explaining to the class, honesty completely forgetting that the two boys are there. After the lesson is over and a few lingering students remain silently studying by themselves Yoongi and Hoseok approach me.

"Y/n!!!" Hoseok happily says as he runs forward practically leaving Yoongi behind.  

"Hello you two. You should have told me that you were coming. I would have prepared something a lot more interesting" 

"We wanted to surprise you" Yoongi says now standing directly in front of me. He looks cute all dressed up, hiding his face, lowering his voice. 

"Um Miss Y/n. Could I please speak to you for a moment?" A young girl I see a lot here. Her name is Ji ah. She quite a beautiful and intelligent girl. 

"Yes of course you can. Please excuse me for a few seconds" I say to the two boys.

She quietly laughs to herself, making me a little confused. "So Miss is the short one your boyfriend. Iv'e seen him here before and the two of you look quite close" 

I'm shocked to hear that she thinks that Yoongi is my boyfriend, it makes me feel warm though. Maybe we look like boyfriend and girlfriend, it's quite funny to think about because I know it would never happen but still I'd like to imagine. "No he isn't we are just close friends. What is it you need help with?"

"Oh okay, that's a bit disappointing, but something has been on my mind since I first saw him. I feel as though I've seen him somewhere before but I can't put my finger on it" I become worried because it would be so much trouble for the boys if a fan found out that they were here.  "Hmmm oh well,  I need help with this part of the worksheet please" I sigh in relief. 

After a few minutes I make my way back to the two boys.

"Y/n! Please teach the boys and I English. You're such an amazing teacher"

"Of course I'll teach you, anytime you want"

"Thank you!" Hoseok jumps up and down and looks so happy. He gets really excited quickly, a quality I wish I had. 

"Oh and are you free Y/n? Did you want to have something to eat and go shopping with Hoseok and I?"

"I'd love to go. I have nothing else to do anyway" I happily say. 

"Alright lets go. A late lunch is on us"  

The boys and I arrive at a beautiful cafe, one I've never been before but Yoongi insisted that it had great food. It had white painted wood interior and decorations that hanged from trees. To make it even better the sun was out from hiding behind the clouds and lit the entire place up. Honestly it was amazing to look at, like something out of a fairy tale book for children. We sat outside in the sun as it was the first time in a while that there's been a day like this.

I Need You (Min Yoongi X Depressed Reader)Where stories live. Discover now