Chapter 14

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I woke up in my favorite place, Ariana's arms. She was still asleep, her nose pressed against my collar bone and her slow, steady breath tickling my skin. Her arms wrapped around my tightly, her fingers tangeled in the waistband of my panties and her legs intertwined with mine.

Her phone started blowing up with calls and texts and I looked at the time and it was already 11am and we had rehearsals four hours ago.
"Shit, Ari" I whispered, shaking her slightly and she just pulled me closer.
"No, go back to sleep" she mumbled, her wet lips against my chest.
"It's 11"
She sat up abruptly, grabbing her phone and answering a call from Brian.
"Hello?" She said, her raspy morning voice was such a turn on.
"Yeah, I slept in. Okay, we're on the way"
Then she hung up before laying on top of me, exhaling loudly.
"How did we sleep this late? I had like a million alarms set"
"It's okay" I replied and she looked up at me, kissing my lips softly.
"Sorry I forgot to say good morning, so good morning baby" She cutely said, she climbed on top of me and placed her hands firmly on my chest.
"Good morning"
"We should go" She whined, I knew she had other ideas.
"Please can we just stay here and cuddle?" She asked, tilting her head slightly.
"No come on, tour starts in a week" I chuckled and she huffed before climbing off me. I slapped her ass jokingly and she looked back and winked, driving me crazy.

"Stop staring and let's go then" she laughed, throwing my clothes at me.
"Sorry, you're just so beautiful" I trailed off and she walked over placing a long kiss on my lips.
"You're beautifuller"
"That's not a word" I played and she just rolled her eyes, getting dressed.

"Sorry, we're late. How's it going?" Ariana asked Brian who was teaching a new dance routine to the rest of the dancers.
"Oh don't worry about it, yeah it's going good we almost have the 'thank you, next' routine down. Ari, you need to grab a mic and take your place, y/n/n you can go back beside Derek" he instructed and I nodded before walking over to my place.
I talked to a few of the dancers while Ariana set up her mic and got her heels on.
"Okay and 5....6....7...8" Brian exclaimed and Ariana's voice sounded through the speakers, making my heart beat fast.

One taught me love
This was my part. I walked up and she kissed my cheek softly.
One taught me patience
She pulled me closer and I lifted her leg up against my side, tilting her back slightly.
One taught me pain
She pushed me away, I reacted dramatically making her giggle before joining the dancers.

"Great session y'all. Same time tomorrow?" Scott said and there was a chorus of "yeahs" before the studio was cleared out.
"I'm going home, I'll call you later" I said to Ariana, pulling her closer to me by her waist making her bite her bottom lip roughly.
"I'll see you later" she winked and I looked at her confused.
"Okay whatever you say, you're crazy" I smiled widely at her and she smashed her lips against mine.
"I love you"
"I love you too" I said my goodbyes to Brian and Scott before going out to my car.

Baby: I love u. thanks for last night, first full nights sleep I've had in a while. see u later, my love x
I smiled at her text before getting out of my car and walking over to hers where she was sitting in the drivers seat, our message chat opened and she was waiting for me to reply.
I banged on the window making her scream loudly, I fell to the floor in laughter.
"Baby!" She exclaimed before getting out and slapping my shoulder playfully.
"You scared the shit out of me, that's not fair" she pouted and I couldn't even control my laughter and a smile broke out onto her face.
"You're an asshole" she said before pulling me in roughly by my collar and placing her lips against mine. I pushed her back against the car, a small moan escaped her lips. Our tongues moving against each others and our lips moving in perfect sync.

"I love you" I said before kissing her nose and running back to my car.
She tried to contain her smile, pretending to be mad but one wink from me and she melted, her eyes lighting up.
"I love you too" she shouted across the parking lot and blew a kiss.

I was so happy, I had an amazing opportunity to travel the world doing what I love, I had an amazing girlfriend who loved me and an amazing family.

"Hey mom" I said coming into the kitchen and hugging my mom from behind.
"Hey, How was dance rehearsals?" She asked, stirring the dinner around.
"Good, so are you gonna miss me?" I asked and she just rolled her eyes.
"Of course I'm going to miss your stupid head" she smiled at me and I laughed loudly.
"Do you like Ariana?" I asked and she nodded instantly.
"I love Ariana" she responded and my heart burst knowing my mom liked her.

"I really love her" I said and she nodded slowly.
"I know you do, I can tell. I know she feels the same way about you too" she said and I could feel my phone buzzing in my pocket from all the texts Ariana was probably sending me.
I took it out and I was right.
Baby: hey
Baby: did u die?
Baby: do you still like me?
Baby: wanna come for a walk
Baby: or we can go to the movies
Baby: answer me pls
Baby: I love you
Baby: are u alive??
Baby: ??
Baby: you always answer me
Baby: I'm two blocks away, I'm coming over x (a/n hehehe)
"Ariana's almost here, I'm gonna bring her down to the beach. I'll talk to you later" I said to my mom.
"You and that girl are attached at the hip" she joked and I smiled, grabbing my jacket and opening the front door, Ariana standing on the other side.
"Let's go" I said, taking her by the hand and pulling her down to the back of my house.
Behind my house was a huge beach with the softest sand and the bluest water but it was closed off to the public, my dad bought it for my mom for her birthday.

"Where are we going? It's way too warm to go running" she said, laughter filling my ears as I opened the white picket fence and letting her walk ahead of me, closing it behind me.
"I want to show you something" I said, intertwining our hands and pulling her closer to me.
We walked down the wooden path until sand started to appear in the cracks of the wood.
"The beach is like 20 minutes away from here?" She said, looking up at me and I smiled and kept walking.
"So it was my moms 31st birthday, she had just had pippa and my dad wanted to get her something really special. He wanted somewhere they could go when they had nothing to do and somewhere I could bring pippa. There was this beach right behind our house, I'm surprised you didn't see it from my window because if you look out my window you can see it. So he bought her this beach, it's connected to Venice but this is a private beach"  I said and I could see her smiling widely at me.
"So then my dad said that when I found the right person I could bring them here and I've found my person" I smiled down at her, tears filled her eyes.

The Sweetener Sessions (Ariana/you)Where stories live. Discover now