Chapter 47

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"Well I have to tell my mom and dad" I said, Ariana lay on my chest as we thought of people to tell.
"I have to tell a lot of people but we need to be careful because I can't have another engagement getting out this early" she said, looking up at me with her brown orbs.
"You're gonna marry me though, right?" I asked alarmed.

"Of course" she chuckled, leaning up and pecking my lips.
"Everyone should be back from the beach soon, we should tell everyone that went today" she continued, laying back down and drawing shapes in my bare chest.
"Then we should go to my house, tell my parents and stay there for a night or two because then we're back on the road for six months" I replied and she nodded before sighing in content.
"I can't wait to marry you"
"I can't wait to marry you more" I replied and she sat up, climbing on top of me and placing her hands on my chest.

"You sure?" She asked, looking at me like I was the only person in the world.
"I've never been more sure of anything in my life. I don't want to marry anyone else" I said and she smiled, blushing slightly.
"You aren't gonna marry anyone else" she replied, her hand traced my jawline and I closed my eyes, enjoying the sensation.

We both got dressed, went downstairs to find everyone in the kitchen.
"Hey love birds" Courtney announced as we walked in hand in hand.
Ariana squeezed my hand tightly, her ring digging into my finger.
"Hey, sorry we ended up coming home because we had stuff to do before tour" Ariana explained and everyone rolled there eyes.
"We know why you came home" taya said, making the room erupt in laughter and Ariana's face went bright red.

"Just look at your neck" doug said, pointing at Ariana's neck that was covered in love bites.
"Shut up" She said, covering her face and hiding into my chest as I chuckled along with everyone.

"Y/n/n do you want a beer" Darrion asked as he got one for himself.
"Sure, thank you" I said, catching it as he threw it lightly to me.
"Princess, what do you want to drink?" I said to Ariana as she clung to my hand but talked to taya.
"Champagne please" she requested and I nodded, trying to let go of her hand but she held it tighter.
"You have to let go" I chuckled but she shook her head.
"I'm scared to tell people" she whispered.
"These people are family, my ring has been out and no one has said anything. They just think it's one of my other rings" I whispered back as her other hand held my forearm tightly and she nodded.

She let go and looked at me nervously, I kissed her softly to reassure her and she smiled widely.
After I got her drink, she became more confident and flashed her ring.
After a few minutes of drinking champagne with her left hand, Courtney noticed.
"No fucking way!" She exclaimed, catching everyone's attention. I looked over to see Ariana glaring at me, everyone was confused.

"You're engaged!" Courtney announced and everyone gleamed with excitement. Frankie jumped around excitedly and Joan began to cry with excitement.
"Congratulations, man" deryk said to me, pulling me in for a hug.
I walked over to Ariana and placed my hand on the small of her back, putting it under her sweater and caressing her skin softly. I knew this calmed her down.
Everyone came over and hugged us, admiring both rings and talked about the wedding.
"Second time lucky" Darrion joked and Ariana smiled but I knew that comment hurt.

"That wasn't that bad" I said, getting into the car and turning on the ignition.
"No, it was actually okay" she replied, I placed my hand on her thigh and leaned over, kissing her lips softly.
"My family next" I said, pulling away from the kiss and she nodded.

"Hey" I announced as we walked through the front door.
"In the kitchen" my mom called back and I felt Ariana's small hand fill mine making me smile.
"Don't worry, I'll tell them" I said to her and she pulled me down by my collar and kissed me passionately.
"What was that for?" I said, smiling goofily as we pulled apart.
"I just love you" She said, smiling even wider, her tongue poking through her white teeth.

"Hey everyone" I said, my dad hugged me tightly and my mom hugged Ariana.
"How's everyone been?" I asked.
"Busy, how have you been?" My mom asked, happy to see both of us.
"Busy also, we go back on the road on Wednesday" I explained.
"I'm so proud of you" my dad said, making my heart burst.
"Thanks dad"

"We also came here, not just for the good food but also we have something to tell you" I said, looking at Ariana and she came closer to me.
"You're pregnant?!" My dad said.
"I'm gay, dad" I said, rolling my eyes.
"Oh yeah, carry on" he said, making me laugh.
I lifted up Ariana's petite hand and also my own.
My mom dropped the glass of wine in her hand, her hand going over her mouth and tears streamed down her face.
"My baby is all grown up" she said, taking my hand and admiring the ring before admiring Ariana's ring.

"Congratulations kiddo" my dad said, pulling me into a hug.
"Well the wedding will be in like 6 months" I said, wrapping my arm around Ariana's waist and pulling her closer.
"That's soon" my dad said.
"Yeah But we would of got married sooner only tour stops that" I said and my mom couldn't stop smiling.

"We'll be there" my mom said, pulling us both in for another hug.
"I'm so happy for both of you, I couldn't imagine a better fit" my mom continued as she hugged us, wiping her eyes.
"Thanks mom, where's pippa?" I asked, looking around.
"She's in bed, probably not asleep but she's in bed" my dad said.
"I'm gonna go check, cmon baby" I said, leading Ariana towards the stairs.

We walked into pippa's room and she sat up immediately.
"You're home" she exclaimed, hugging me tightly almost pulling me onto the bed with her.
"I am, I have something to tell you" I said, sitting on the floor beside her bed and pulling Ariana onto my lap.
"You know the way mommy and daddy got married in that big church like all the photos we look at?" I asked.
"Yeah?" She asked.
"Ariana and I are gonna get married" I said and she sat there for a moment.
"So Ariana's gonna be my sister too?" She asked trying to process it.
"Exactly" i said and Pippa's eyes lit up with excitement.

After we calmed her down and read her a story we went back into my room.
"Remember when you first came here? The day we met?" I said, pulling Ariana into a tight embrace.
"I knew you were the one, I couldn't pass up that opportunity" she replied, leading us over to the bed and I sat against the headboard and she rested between my legs with her back against my chest.
"Or the time you broke my window?" I said and we both looked at the window simultaneously.
She laughed loudly, playing with my hands that rested on her stomach. 
"I've loved you from day one and my love keeps getting stronger" Ariana said.
"I loved you too, I'm gonna keep loving you forever" I kissed her neck softly as I spoke.
"Do you think we're moving too fast?" She asked. 
"No, do you?" I asked, worried for her answer.
"No but everyone else might"
"Who gives a fuck what everyone else thinks?! It's been almost a year since we've been together but we've been through more this year than normal couples would. I know I love you, I know I want you to be the mother to my children and I've never been so sure of anything in my life" I said and she nodded, turning around so she could face me.

"I love you so much, more than you'll ever know" she said, caressing my cheek.

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