Chapter 4

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What. The. Fuck.
I threw my phone across the room in a fit of rage, devastated because I thought she genuinely cared and she liked me.
I got up and dumped her flowers in the bin, kicking the bin over with tears streaming down my face.
I cried for the first time in three years, I rarely cried and I knew that this was serious when I cried.
I heard a knock at my window an hour later and I didn't have the energy to look who it was or to open it.
"Y/n?" I heard Ariana's voice, I was definitely imagining it, it couldn't be her.
"I'm sorry y/n, let me explain" she said again, I turned around so I could look at her, her brown eyes pleading but I remembered what she did and I turned back around.
"I'll break your window if you don't let me in" she said seriously but I just ignored her.
"Fuck off ariana" I muttered and she groaned loudly.
"Let me explain"
Then there was silence, she left thankfully. Soon there was a smash, my window was in pieces and Ariana's small body climbed through.
"I'll pay for a new one" she smiled but I didn't.
"My parents are going to kill me" I wiped my eyes with my sleeves and looked at my broken window.
"I told you I would break it and you didn't listen, I'll have it fixed by the morning" she said before taking a step towards me but I took two steps back.
"Don't call me that" I said, my voice breaking along with my heart.
"It was a complicated break up" she said, talking about her supposed ex Pete Davidson.
"You kissed him?! What the fuck is complicated about that?" I shouted and she flinched at my sudden outburst.
"The engagement was for publicity but then he actually fell in love with me and I didn't have the balls to end it until today, after that call I ended it for good" she said but I didn't believe her, I barely knew her how could she expect me just to believe her?

"I don't care, I don't want to see you and I don't want to hear from you" I didn't look at her but I let her get closer and she lifted my chin up with her finger.
"It's over, I want to be with you and I know you want me" she said quietly, making me melt just by looking in her eyes.
"I can't, I don't trust you and you go and do shit like that?!" I said, moving her hand off my chin.
"I was planning on ending it later on this week and then I met you today and everything changed. It's been a few hours since we met and I spent them with you, I didn't have time to end it" she said and she had a point.
"It's over y/n, I promise" she leaned in and kissed my lips softly.
"Stop Ariana" I said against her soft lips.
"You want me, stop fighting it" she said, her voice full of lust.
"I can't"
"You can"
"I can"
And with that she eagerly pressed her lips against mine, pulling me as close as she could.
I pulled away quickly, my head was all over the place and I dint know what to do about anything.
"What's wrong?" She took my hand in hers.
"Stop kissing me" I said firmly and she nodded before looking at her feet.
"I'm sorry. I really am" she said before turning and leaving.
Ariana's POV
I didn't think I would develop feelings for y/n, I thought it was just gonna be a small crush and I would stay with Pete.
Things change and feelings get stronger, I shouldn't of gone to her house because now I wouldn't be happy until she was mine.

"Hey mom" I said throwing my keys on the counter and sitting on the sofa.
"Hey darling, why are you so sad?" She asked concerned before coming to sit beside me as I sat with my head in my hands.
"Is it Pete? I heard you guys arguing earlier" she said and I nodded.
"I'm such a bitch" I mumbled into my hands and my mom placed her hand on my back.
"Did you guys break up?"
"Yeah" my eyes beginning to fill with tears when I thought of Pete's face when I broke up with him, throwing my ring at his face.
"Why?" She asked leaning down to look at me.
"I love someone else"
"Ariana Grande Butera, did you cheat?!" She asked shocked at my behavior.
"No momma, I didn't mean to fall for her" i shouted but covered my mouth when I realized I said 'her'.
"It's a girl?!"
"Yeah" my face going red with embarrassment.
There was an awkward silence because she was shocked that I liked girls.
"It's that girl from the sweetener sessions. Isn't it?" She said, taking my hand in hers as I wept.
"How do you know?" I looked up at her finally.
"I saw the way you looked at her and I knew you had an interest in her" she smiled and I reciprocated the action.
"I fucked up" I said, tracing the tattoo on my mom's hand as she held mine tightly.
"What happened?"
"I went over to her house to hang out and then she had to study so I came home but Pete was here. I didn't end it with him yet, I was waiting for the right time so I called y/n and we were on FaceTime. He came over and kissed me, she saw and she was devastated. You should of seen her face mommy" I began hysterically crying in my mother's arms as she held me tight.
"It's okay, she'll come around. You wouldn't like it if she kissed someone else" she said and it clicked with me, she did kiss someone else.
"I've to go" I said quickly kissing my mom's cheek and running out to my car.

I drove quickly to her house and the window men were fixing her window when I pulled up. I ran up to her front door and her mom answered, her face red with anger but softened when she saw me.
"Hello Mrs. Y/L/N, I'm here to see y/n" I said but she shook her head.
"Y/n isn't allowed friends over, she tried to sneak out earlier by breaking her window. Thanks so much by the way for paying to fix the window, I will repay you" She said.
"Oh no need, I broke her window" I said, scared of her reaction.
"Excuse me?"
"Yeah, I came over to study and threw a book at y/n to catch but instead it went through the window. It's my fault, no need to repay me" I shyly said and she nodded before stepping aside to let me in.
"She's in the kitchen" her mother said before leaving to go upstairs and I walked down the wide hall looking at pictures of y/n as a baby.
I finally found the kitchen and I looked through to see y/n coloring with her sister.
"Thats the best picture that's ever been colored" she said to her sister, tickling her in the side making her burst out into laughter.
"Y/n?" I said quietly and her eyes shot up to look at me but quickly brought her attention back to her sister.
"Ariana, Not now" she breathed out, coloring in the picture of the dog.
"You can't be mad" I said firmly and she let out a sarcastic chuckle.
"I can't be mad?! Why's tha-"
"Y/n/n, who's that?" Her sister shyly looked at me before climbing onto y/n's lap.
"That's ariana, my friend" y/n replied and kissed her head softly.
"She's pretty" The little girl said making me blush slightly.
"Very" y/n replied and lifted her sister up, setting her back in her seat.
"I'll be back in a few minutes, keep coloring!" She walked straight past me and I followed close behind.
"Baby" I called but she scoffed at the name. 
"Y/n, hear me out" I closed the door behind me softly and she folded her arms waiting for me to continue.
"You kissed your ex, what's the difference?" I said and she narrowed her eyes, she knew I was right.
"I didn't lie, I wasn't fucking engaged" she spat and I flinched slightly.
"I'm sorry! I did end it with him, I promise" I said and she nodded before holding out her arms.
I walked over to her and fell into her embrace and she held me tightly, kissing my head.
"I'm sorry, I expected too much of you and I overreacted" she said but I shook my head.
"I should of ended it and I more importantly should of told you" I mumbled into her sweater.

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