Chapter 58

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Ariana's POV
I answered the door to my uninvited friends, sighing loudly.
"Hey guys" y/n said, walking in behind me and placing her hand on my back making me smile subconsciously.
"Hey, we came over to see if y'all wanted to come to the arcade?" Fredo asked, his camera hanging around his neck.

"I don't mind. Baby?" I asked, turning around to my girl who just nodded and smiled.
"I'm just gonna change my sweater because someone got sauce all over me" y/n said accusingly, making everyone laugh.

She went upstairs and I followed her, watching her quietly as she changed her shirt.
"Sorry" I said and she jumped slightly.
"What are you sorry for?" She asked anxiously, walking over to the bed to get her shoes from underneath.
"Our date night was interrupted" I said, walking over and standing between her legs as she sat on the side of the bed.
"It's not ruined, we get to still spend time together" she said optimistically, caressing the back of my thighs softly.

"You're too much for my heart" I cooed, pecking her lips softly and she pulled me down onto her lap.
"I love you" She said, closing her eyes slowly.
"I love you too"

"Let's go lovebirds!" Courtney shouted from downstairs. I stood up off her lap and extended my hand which she gladly took, walking behind me as I led us downstairs.

"Let's go" Brian said, wrapping his arm around Scott excitedly and we followed the twins out to the car.

We arrived at the arcade, quickly entering the arcade trying our best not to get noticed.
"Y/n! Air hockey!" Doug exclaimed, tugging at her sweater.
"You're on" y/n said, turning to me. She kissed my cheek softly and went to the air hockey table with Doug.

"How you feeling?" Brian asked, leaning against the pool table as we watched doug and y/n battle it out.
"I'm finally good Bri" I said, smiling widely. Life was good.
"Is tour okay? Can you handle it?" He asked, placing his hand on mine comfortingly.
"Yeah, it's good to see my fans and I have you guys" I replied.

"Winner!" Doug exclaimed, y/n laughed loudly.
"I let you win" she joked, rolling her eyes.
"I'm sure you did, y/l/n" he wrapped his arm around her shoulder.
"Shut up" She childishly said, walking over to Brian and I.
"Hi" I said, wrapping my arms around her neck and she rested her hands on the pool table I was leaning against.
"Hi" she replied, pecking my lips softly.
"I can't wait till we get home" I purred, playing with the collar of her sweater.

"Don't tease me like that" she groaned, leaning her head on my chest and I laughed, running my fingers through her long hair.
"Lets do the dance one" I said excitedly, slipping out of her grasp.
She followed me over, flipping her hat backwards and winking at me.
"You think you're gonna win?" I said, putting my name into the machine.
"I do" she replied, keying in her name.

We started, it was easy to begin with but this game was my speciality.
It got faster and she kept up better than me.
"You okay, baby?" She said, looking at me and I almost lost my focus just by looking at her.
"I'm fine" I said, giggling.
"I dance for a living" she said confidently.

Everyone had gathered around us now, half cheering me on and half cheering y/n.
Eventually y/n got bored, it was too easy. She leaned her hand out and pushed me over slightly.
"Babe!" I said, missing one of my steps.
"What?" She said innocently.

"Okay, I'll miss one too" she said as I sulked, her score was now higher than mine.
"No, fuck you" I said childishly, stepping off mine.
"Oh come on" she called after me.
I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist, her lips came into contact with my neck making me shiver.
"I'm sorry" she said, spinning me around and I looked at my feet trying not to smile.
"Where's that beautiful smile?" She teased, lifting my face up to meet her gaze.

I eventually broke out into a big cheesy smile.
"There it is" she smiled, kissing me softly.
"You cheated" I said, pushing her off me and she fell back dramatically making me laugh.
"I only checked to see how good your balance was" she said, holding her hands up in the air.
"You won anyways" she added, handing me all the tickets she had won.
"I can't take them, they're yours" I said, pushing them back.
"Fine" She said, leaving me.
I watched her go up to the counter where you could cash in your tickets for a prize.

She came back with a teddy, twice the size of me.
I hid my face in my hands as I blushed furiously, shaking me head.
"Ariana! Where are you?!" She shouted, trying to draw attention.
"Stop" I said, looking around.
"My girl?! Has anyone seen her?!" She shouted, ignoring me.
"Baby, I'm here"I said, laughing so hard that my stomach hurt.

"Here, Princess" She said, handing me the bear and I almost fell back.
"How are we gonna get this home?!" I said, pecking her lips softly.
"He can sit in the front seat" she said casually, picking it up as we walked out to the car.

She placed him where she said she was going to, earning a strange look from my driver.
"His name is Paul" she said, making me bend over in laughter.

We got home and fell in through the door with laughter.
She placed the bear in the living room before running over to me, picking me up and laying me down on a lovesac and peppering my face in kisses.
"Stop" I squealed, turning my face to the side. She then slowed down, her lips kissing my jawline softly and her hand caressed my hip.

"Tell me how much you want me" she husked, gripping my shirt in her hand.
"I've never wanted you more" I stuttered, my body losing control as her hands roamed it, feeling every curve.

Her skillful hands put pressure where it was needed, my whole body tingling as she kissed down my cleavage slowly.

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