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"You look so beautiful!" May gushes. Her eyes take in Eloise's appearance as she steps out from the bathroom and into the kitchen. May helped Peter get ready for Homecoming last year, but it's different helping a daughter-figure get ready for a dance. May got to help Eloise pick out a dress, style her hair, and get her nails done at a salon—everything she didn't get to do with her nephew.

Eloise smiles warmly. She looks down at the short red dress that stops above her knees. It's the most formal she's ever dressed, and she doesn't think she'll ever want to take the dress and heels off.

"Thank you, May." Eloise blushes and steps forward, wrapping May in a tight hug. Eloise closes her eyes as everything sinks in. She's seventeen, so it's about time that she goes to a high school dance, but she still can't believe that she's actually wearing the dress and is waiting for her date to finish getting ready.

When May and Eloise separate, Eloise says, "Really, thank you for everything you've done for me."

May takes Eloise's hands and squeezes them. "Don't worry about it, El. You're an amazing young woman."

"I think I did it?" Peter's voice echoes down the short hall.

May and Eloise turn to Peter as he enters the room, his hands fiddling with the navy tie around his neck. His hair is gelled back in a way that reminds Eloise of James Bond, and his brand-new shoes are sparkly clean.

Peter looks up. His eyes immediately lock onto Eloise and he pauses in the entry way. The corner of his lips quirk up in a smile.

"Wow, you look really nice," Peter compliments.

Eloise's cheeks burn bright. No matter how many times Peter compliments her, she stills reacts like a little school girl; her stomach erupts into butterflies, she gets flustered, and she blushes. Peter just has that effect on her.

"Thanks, you look nice too," Eloise replies. "But your tie isn't right—here, let me fix it."

She walks over to Peter, her heels clicking against the tile floors, and reaches out for the tie. Peter watches her as she fixes his lousy attempt at tying his tie.

Eloise chews on her bottom lip in concentration. When she finishes, her eyes lift to Peter's.

"You smell nice, too." She gently presses her nose against Peter's shoulder before leaning back. "Did you get a new cologne?"

"It's Old Spice," May answers for Peter.

Peter lets out a breathy laugh and scratches the back of his neck. "Yeah, it's supposed to smell like pine trees."

"It does. Reminds me of Christmas," Eloise comments with a small smile. Peter smiles back down at her.

A knock on the door brings everyone's attention to the front door. Eloise turns away from Peter and steps over to the door, fixing her long dark hair on her way.

Eloise doesn't hesitate to open the door. As soon as she does, her face lights up.

"Hi, Mason," she greets the boy standing in the hallway in front of her, her hand awkwardly raising to give him a small wave.

Mason, a tall student from Midtown, grins at Eloise as he holds his hands behind his back. "Hey, El. I brought you something."

He brings his hands in front. Eloise's eyes widen at the huge bouquet of perfect, beautiful red roses.

"Mason! They're beautiful!" Eloise takes the flowers in one hand and wraps her other arm around the slim boy's shoulders. "Thank you so much, you really didn't have to."

"Yeah, but I wanted to," he says with a cheeky smile. He looks up at May and Peter watching the two's exchange. They each have different expressions: May is happy and can't contain her excitement for her nephew and his best friend, but Peter on the other hand does not particularly look happy. Conflicted is a better way to describe his face. Mason notices Peter's look in his eyes and waves at him.

"Hey May, Peter. How's it going?" Mason asks as Eloise lets go of him. She walks over to the counter to set the flowers down, knowing that May will get out a vase that will display the elegant roses.

"Good, how are you doing Mason?" May asks in return. Peter just uncomfortably shifts on his feet and keeps his gaze focused on the ground.

"Awesome. I get to take this amazing girl to the formal."

Eloise laughs and stands at his side. "As friends."

Mason smiles down at her. "Of course."

"Oh, look at the time, you kids will be late!" May suddenly exclaims, glancing down at her watch around her thin wrist. She lightly shoves Peter towards the door Mason and Eloise stand by. "Go have fun at the formal, who needs pictures when you've got memories, right?"

"Bye May." Eloise and Mason step out the front door. Peter hesitates for a second, glancing back at his grinning aunt, and follows. He follows behind the two as they laugh and talk down the elevator and down the street. He can't fit beside them on the sidewalk either, so he has to awkwardly follow behind them all the way to the parking garage where Mason's car is parked. Eloise has been talking about how fun tonight was going to be for weeks and Peter was excited with her, but now, he's feeling like a third wheel—unwanted, unnecessary, and out of place.

It's been a while!

Thank you all for reading the first book and for clicking on this one, I really appreciate your support! I'm super busy so I won't be able to post that often, but I had this short first chapter written so I figured that I'd go ahead and post it. Hopefully you guys like it. . . I'm not sure how well this book will be, this is my first time ever trying to write a sequel :/

Thanks! 💛

Chapter Song:
Lie to Me | 5 Seconds of Summer

From the Shadows | PETER PARKER [2]Where stories live. Discover now